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The House of Wind felt entirely too large for comfort. There were so many hidden rooms, doors and passageways. It was a maze, the Night Court Labyrinth.

I quickened my pace until I reached the bedroom that I once resided in. My blood curdled as I replayed Cassian's words, his fallen expression, as I silently cursed him for thinking so little of me.

I loosened the wool blanket around my shoulders, adjusting to the decrease in temperature, I dropped it behind me to crawl into the four-poster bed. Every inch of my body ached, I swore several times as I adjusted beneath the thick furs.

To distract myself from the growing pain, I counted the stars and moons dispersed throughout the canopy fabric. Silver and gold, printed on a violet velvet fabric. I could finally look at the stars.

"Did you already see her transform?" Azriel asked, gathering his blades from the table.

My pointed ears lifted in the direction of Azriel's voice, they were still in the circular training room.

"Yes," Elain whispered, her finger gliding down the hilt of Truth-Teller, down towards the pointed edge.

"Which explains..." his scarred hand lightly pinned hers to the blade, forcing her to look up at him.

Elain shrugged before peering up at him, their hands still, "she's my sister. I do not fear my sisters."

"Just like this conversation," Azriel remarked, looking back down at their hands. He cleared his throat, removing his hand from hers before adding Truth-Teller to his armor.

I heard her nod, I could hear her golden-brown hair fall and lift as she moved her head. The tint of blush grazing her cheeks—I could hear all of it.

Azriel finished dressing himself with the remaining blades, "are they getting worse?" His soothing voice radiated peace, a serene wave that even I could feel several rooms down.

"Much," she paused to gulp, "it's alright though. Everything will be alright in time."

"He wants to see you," Azriel blurted, letting his arms fall to his sides.

Elain's pulse raced, trying to out run the mating bond that tied her to a stranger. "No. I, no. I'm..." she straightened herself, adjusting her gown out of habit, "I'm not ready."

"I'll let him know," he bowed his head to her in goodbye. The whispering shadows reappeared, caressing his shoulders.

"Az?" She uttered, pulling a pure white flower from her braided hair and twisting it between her fingers.

I could smell the jasmine, it's intriguing fragrance distracting me momentarily.

"Hm?" Azriel instantly replied, the shadows disintegrated—the murmurs stopped.

"Before you go, um, would you walk me to the market?" she fumbled over her words, "I...I need some seeds. New ones—for the garden."

I could hear the pounding of his heart, of both their hearts, as he raised his arm for her to grab.

Taking my cue, I focused back on the stars above me. Mother above, what is happening to me? I scooted onto my side, releasing a cursing gasp as the pain infiltrated my spine.

"Have either of you seen Amren or Cassian today?" Mor asked, picking at her plate. Her fork grated against the porcelain, the sound making the hair on my skin raise.

"Amren has a visitor in town," Feyre answered with her full mouth.

"Varian, I assume?" Mor guessed, stabbing her slice of marbled steak. The sound of her fork and knife puncturing the meat made my stomach twist in disgust.

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