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Aedin's freckled fist clamped harder, my legs flailed as I scratched at his death grip. Black spots invaded my vision, whispers singing in my ears.

Ignite, ignite, ignite...

Spit splattered on my face as he snarled, "your insults are no match for me, King Slayer."

A beast playing with its prey; this couldn't be my fate.

The iridescent blue glow of my restraints shined so bright I had to close my eyes. I tried to separate my wrists, but the icy burn only grew. I couldn't break free. The fire building in my core dissipated. I had nothing, no strength—no magic. Completely empty.

His throaty laugh rang around us, echoing off the wet stone walls. "You won't be able to talk, let alone move once I'm done with you."

Cassian. Think. What did he teach me? What did he...I slammed my knee into Aedin's gut—missing my mark. He loosened his grip just enough for me to scream. So, I did. With every fiber of my being—I screamed, in hope someone would hear me. Would find me.

That he would find me, that he would take me home.

Aedin's freckled hand tightened around my windpipe again, choking the air out of me.

I clawed at his face, missing, as he dodged my nails. The torch light dwindled as I felt my life fade, as my vision blurred in and out.

"Is that anyway to treat our guest?"

My eyes shot open, was it him? Did he hear me somehow?

"Eris..." Aedin bared his teeth, scanning his brother stepping out of the shadows.

"Release her," he replied nonchalantly while crossing his muscular arms.

Aedin turned away from Eris and focused on me. His lips curling upwards as he released me. "The next time, you won't be so lucky," he threatened, backing away.

I sucked in a deep breath, searing my throat with the frigid air. A second breath led to a fit of coughing. As if I were drowning, but no water fled my lungs.

Eris inhaled sharply through his nose, "she's claimed, Aedin."

"I didn't see your brand," he snapped, pulling his long fiery locks into a low bun.

"Why don't you check again?"

Aedin glared at his brother then looked me over, his eyes focusing on my bare shoulder. A flaming sun, branded into my delicate skin. I hadn't felt it, I hadn't noticed it until now.

"You know what happens to those who touch what is mine," Eris shrugged, pushing the cell door open as a sign for Aedin to leave. "Or should I remind you...?"

Aedin growled in response, stalking off before Eris could finish.

I touched my aching throat, wincing in response. I was still trying to suck down the air I was deprived of. My eyes watered with amber, with the reminder that I was still alive.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a stone-cold demeanor. Amber irises flickered to my neck, assessing the damage that would be seen for days, if not years.

I couldn't speak, my throat burned so badly. The faebane chains felt even colder, invisible frost spreading across my fingertips, racing up my trembling arms. If I fought...if...if I tried to use my powers, the colder the restraints became. The colder, I became.

"I'll be back," Eris moved away from the wall, winnowing away for a brief minute. He appeared with a small stack of clothes and my Illyrian boots.

Moving, speaking—any action, felt like it would be my last. Knots in my stomach grew as amber tears trickled down my cheeks. I had never cried so much in my life, not until this fucking cauldron doomed me. I was fine. I was cold, I was prepared. But now, I was only broken. A shell meant to be fucked, a heart meant to be corrupted.

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