113 | fans

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joe and maisie were waiting to check out of the hotel, they hadn't got long to go until their flight to england but they also had some time to spare.

maisie found out that the two girls from the group chat were waiting outside their hotel and hoped that was okay and if not, that they would leave. maisie felt a little weird about it at first but understood why they were there seeing as it was apparently a normal thing 'celebrities' had to deal with. it was about 6am and there were about 10 people outside waiting for them. charlie and natalia had flew over to england last night on a separate flight whereas joe and maisie were going today.

it was almost as if trusty john could read maisies mind as he led her and joe out to the little crowd of people who just wanted a glimpse of the pair.

"hey guys," maisie said quietly as she gave them a wave and walked over to the small crowd.

they all greeted them politely and maisie made her way over to laura and lily. joe and maisie spoke to the group of people for a little while, them asking random questions and just talking in general.

"that question you got when they asked about your hair, you looked so done," one fan said to joe, giggling.

joe laughed lightly, "i mean, its just hair. right?"

"oh my god, joe! can i touch your hair?! its so beautiful! what do you use?!" she gasped jokingly at her boyfriend.

a few phone cameras were pointing their way and the little crowd erupted in fits of laughter at maisies actions.

joe looked at his girlfriend whilst laughing, shaking his head. "i usually spit in my hand and rub it into my hair, gives it unique character," he joked.

"is that shine or grease? the world will never know," she joked giving him a cheeky wink.

he nudged her side, "i mean, have you seen her hair? it looks beautifully soft," he said trying to change the subject.

"joe, you are so whipped." a fan said.

the couple took a look at each other and smiled, "yeah, thats one way of putting it."

"where are you two off to?" somebody asked.

"we're off to england for a few days, then joes going home for thanksgiving, gives me some space from him finally." she joked lightly.

after a few more minutes chatting, john gave them the heads up and they said goodbye to the fans around about half six.

"it was lovely seeing you all," maisie said giving them a wave. she blew a kiss to laura and lily after giving them big, tight squeezes before joe and maisie had to head off to the airport.

as she walked away from the crowd and they started disappearing, she lit a cigarette and sighed, looking at joe. "here we go then."

sorry the chapter was shorter than usual, i didnt want to fill it with waffle, hope that was okay & u enjoy it nonetheless!

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