Chapter One-Blue Eyes

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{Chapter One}

"Granny, I'm here!" I shout as I pull my suitcase into the cozy house.

My eyes take in the antique, mahogany furniture and ornaments of the familiar room as the wind blows the curtains that I remember my grandmother changes ever Christmas and Easter.

"Summer!" I hear my name as my stout grandmother wobbles out of kitchen. I can already smell the sweetbread baking in the oven.

Her snow white curls contrasts with her dark skin and her warm, brown eyes twinkle. Her arms swiftly wrap around me as she pulls me into a tight, warm embrace. I haven't seen her in years and yet her hugs are still the best.

She pulls away far enough to see my face as she cups it with her chubby hands, "You've grown so big and you look just like your mother."

"Well, I can't stay small forever." I smile down at her sadly as sorrow flashes through her irises before disappearing.

"That is very true, dear," she returns the smile, affectionately patting my cheek. "You are just in time for a nice slice of homemade sweetbread."

"No better way to start my stay," I rub my hands together, eager for the coconut bread to kiss my lips.

Granny chuckles as she walks back towards the kitchen. I place my suitcase to the side and quickly follow behind her. I spend the next few hours eating sweetbread with cheese and sipping tea as I fill my grandmother in on what has been going on in my life these past years. I really missed Granny's wisdom and wit and it's nice to be able to laugh at her comments again. 

However, for some reason I find my mind going back to the sea, back to the sensation it gave me and my heart yearns to go there. I notice that the sun is soon going to set and I get up from the wooden dining chair that I was sitting on.

"Going somewhere, muffin?" Granny asks as she notices my movement.

"To the beach. For some reason, I just feel like I need to go." I respond as a knowing look crosses her face. Her next words cause me to do a double take, wondering if I heard wrong.

"Going to see if you can find Lover boy?" Granny smirks.

"Lover boy?"

"Yes, the one you always told me about as a little girl. No need to act shy, dear, I was young once upon a time too." She winks.

"Really? What did I tell you about him?" My eyes widen, the desire to solve this puzzle hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"Oh boy, I don't even know where to start," she replies exhaustingly. "For sure, you always gushed about his dark hair and unique, dreamy, blue eyes."

"Dark hair and dreamy, blue eyes..." I mutter softly to myself, trying to jog my memory. However, I'm left empty handed.

"Why are you acting like you don't know him?  You practically clung onto him every time you went to the beach." She looks at me strangely.

The beach...I definitely need to go now.

"No reason. I'm going." I wave before walking out of the kitchen.

I use to talk about a boy before? Could it possibly be the boy from the letter? Is that why the letter was already open when I saw it? But why can't I remember?

More than before, I want to feel my feet in the golden sand. I walk faster, exiting the house as I barely feel the heat of the burning sun, my mind elsewhere. The wheels in my mind keep turning and before I know it, the scent of the salty water hits my nose. My eyes close as I take a deep breath in, the salty breeze filling my lungs. Before I can stop myself, I slowly advance to the water. It is like the sparkling blue is pulling me towards it. It fills my every thought and it is all I can see.  The sound of the children laughing as they build a sandcastle and the footsteps of the man jogging on the sand fade into the background. That is until the cold water surrounding me knocks me out of the daze.

My eyes widen in surprise as I realize that the water is now up to my waist and I didn't even notice. 

Ok...this is seriously starting to freak me out.

Goosebumps rise on my skin as I quickly walk out of the water, the breeze blowing on my now wet pants causing me to shiver . I run as fast as I can from the beach as fear starts to crawl into my heart.

What if I didn't pull myself out of the trance? Would I have drowned?

I try to shake the scary thoughts out of my mind but they just keep coming.  Finally, I make it back to the house and rush inside.

"Back so soon, dear?" Granny looks up from the blanket she is knitting, her eyebrows furrowed with concern. "Why do you look like you saw a ghost?"

I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. I take a deep breath to compose myself and finally I'm able to squeak out,"I'm fine."

Granny doesn't look convinced but she lets it go. Before she can ask anymore questions, I swiftly exit the living room. Feeling exhausted from all the strange events today, I take a quick shower and climb into bed. However, when I fall into a deep slumber, his blue eyes invade my dreams.

They remind me of the sea that draws me in but they aren't cold like when the water surrounded me. They radiate warmth that contrasts with their icy irises and I feel it spread all throughout my body. The uniqueness of the blue splashed with a little green holds familiarity and security. However, I can't remember who these eyes belong to.

I wake up with sun rays beating on my face, the eyes from my dream haunting my thoughts. I know for sure they belong to a boy. How do I know? I'm not sure, but I have a feeling deep inside that I know him like the palm of my hand. I feel like I know every secret behind those eyes. But from where?

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