Chapter Sixteen- I Can't Stop Loving You

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{Chapter Sixteen}

It came again.

The feather-like touch caressing my cheek.

He came again.

However, this time I don't accept his comfort.  I don't melt into his touch or want him closer.   Instead, with closed eyes, I lift my arm and grab the hand that continues to stroke my face.

I feel it tense under my touch and take it as my cue to open my eyes.

Even through the darkness, I see his eyes clear as day. They glow bright, almost like two sapphire gems.  They never leave my face as he waits for my reaction from his squatted position next to the bed.

"I thought you didn't want me to be near to you so why are you here?" I ask, my tone cold.

I know everything he did was for my sake.  I also know that he wished that what happened to my mother never occurred but I don't know how to feel right now.

I feel angry that he took away my memories without my permission. 

I feel grief over my mother's death.

I feel sad because I know that a relationship between us will result in death-

"You're scared."

At his words, my thoughts cease and silence falls upon us.

Even after saying that, his expression doesn't change.  His face gives nothing away.

"Of course, I'm scared." I sit up in the bed. "I can die from loving you."

I feel my eyes glaze over with tears.  His expression finally softens at my words.

"But you know what the scariest part is?" I ask as my voice begins to tremble. "I don't know if I can stop loving you."

The words linger in the air for a while, the strong connection between us never breaking. Until suddenly, I feel warmth surround me.

Lover Boy wraps his arms around my torso, making me feel small in comparison to his broad structure.

"I can't stop loving you either."

My eyes widen at his statement.  I knew that he cared about me but to hear him say it out loud caused my heart to pound hard against my chest.  Butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach as my arms also wrap around him.  I feel warmth spread all across my body and a happiness that I've never felt before.  A happiness that is almost overwhelming.

Now, I can imagine how my mother felt as she loved Alon and wrote tales of him in her journal.  If a few words could make my heart want to burst, imagine what being in a relationship with that person and having them close must feel like.

"But," Lover Boy pulls away from the embrace. "I would never be able to forgive myself if you were to die because of me.  I can't bare to see you in pain from being together with me."

I look down at my lap, the fear seeping into me once again. "To be honest, I don't know what to do.  I'm not sure which way to go."

His fingers rest under my chin, gently and slowly pushing my face back up to his eye level. "I don't want you to get hurt, Summer.  I'm okay with loving at a distance, even if it means you moving on and loving someone else.  From the time I took your memories, I was prepared for you to leave behind and forget what we had."

Tears finally fall from my eyes, my heart aching all over again as I look into his sad gaze.  Our memories together that I have recollection of flash across my mind.  My body shakes with sobs, my lips trembling and tears never-ending.

Why did it have to be this way?  I finally found him and I can't love him without a price.  Why is life so unfair?

Once again, Lover Boy's comfort wraps around me, his hand soothingly rubbing my back in circles just like my mother did before.

"Why does our love have to be forbidden?" I ask softly, my voice cracking.

"I don't know, Summer." His chest vibrates as he quietly responds, sadness evident in his voice. "I don't know..."




I jump, Granny's shout cutting through my ears. "Yeah?"

"Child, what is wrong with you?" She asks, her eyebrows knotting in confusion. "I've been calling you for almost five minutes."

"Sorry, I'm just a bit tired." I give her a small, unauthentic smile before picking at the toast and scrambled eggs on my plate again.  It tasted like cardboard in my mouth even though it bursted with flavor.

"Even when you're practically a zombie, you don't zone out like that. You may be able to trick a ghost, but you can't trick me." Granny says, her arms folded. "Now, tell me. What's really going on? Did something happen when you met with Lover Boy yesterday?"

"No, nothing happened." I sip my tea, avoiding her eyes.

"You found out, didn't you?"

At her question, I look up at her.  Her expression suddenly becomes solemn.

"What do you mean?" I question, my grip tightening around the handle of the mug.

"You're an open book and puffy eyes don't lie." Granny's gaze becomes more intense by the second. "You know about your mother, don't you?"

I remain silent, my mind racing at a million miles per hour.  Is it possible that she knows everything?

"You know about your mother loving a merman, don't you?"


Hi, everyone! I haven't done an author's note in a very long time but I just wanted to say thank you to every single one of my readers who are still on board with this book. I really appreciate it especially since my updating schedule is so messed up. I will get better at updating now. I apologize to you all.

Thank for your support.


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