Chapter Six- Irises

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{Chapter Six}

I bite my lip nervously as I look up at the towering building before me.  I subconsciously bring my hand to my neck and gently grip my new treasure.  It's almost like an instinct to reach out to this mystery guy.  

Ever since I found the necklace, I haven't felt the pull towards the sea.  It makes me wonder what kind of connection he has with it. 

For the rest of the week I had off, I visited the beach constantly. I hung out by the tree and the cave in hopes that I would be able to grab hold of another memory. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to recover anymore.

However, the blue eyes faithfully came in my dreams every night which didn't occur when I was searching for the piece of his heart. There are so many pieces to this puzzle but nothing seems to fit into place.

Taking a final, deep breathe to rid of my butterflies, I straighten my suit jacket before striding confidently into the air-conditioned lobby.  With every step, my black heels click on the shiny, marble floor. 

I resist the urge to allow my jaw to drop as my eyes drink in the golden room. The roof seems to go on for miles above me and its transparent glass portrays the picture of a merman holding his staff, allowing sunlight to come in.

In the center of the lobby, a water fountain with a mermaid stands and water flows out from the shell held in her hand, painted a beautiful gold.

What is it with this island and mermaids?

I walk up to the reception desk as the firm grip on my bag causes my knuckles to turn white. I have never been good with new places.

"Good morning, ma'am," the receptionist greets me with a sparkling smile. "How may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm a new employee," I reply politely with a small smile of my own.

"Name?" she asks, clicking away on the computer that illuminates in front of her.

"Summer Brathwaite."

"Ah yes, here is your pass. Just take the elevator to the top floor." She gives me the card with one last smile.

I mumble thank you before heading towards the elevator.  I press the button to indicate that someone is waiting and look at myself as the doors show my reflection.

I made sure to put extra effort in my appearance today, wanting to make a good first impression.

Not even a single strand of hair sticks out from my bun that sits between my ears and my minimal makeup is impeccably done.

I take a deep breathe as the door opens and I step inside, pushing the button for the top floor. Even though nervousness stirs around in the pit of my stomach, curiosity starts to burn like licking flames as I wonder what waits for me on the top floor.

As the elevator passes floor by floor, I feel a string of energy tugging me upwards just like how the pull urged me to go to the beach.

Unconsciously, I find myself tiptoeing as I reach towards the roof.  The force gets stronger and stronger the more floors the elevator climbs.  It gets to a point that my feet strain from the effort of standing on my toes.

The elevator finally stops with a ding  and the energy move from towards the ceiling to in front of me.  I sigh in relief as I return flat on my feet.

The hairs on my arms stand up as I follow the line of energy down an empty hallway.

The only sound is the echo of my heels that bounce off the blue walls, bright, sea themed paintings popping against the plain background. The floor doesn't help to ease my anxiety as different types of colorful fish swim beneath my feet and a chandelier hangs from above, chasing away any darkness.

I come to a halt before a huge, mahogany door.

The energy releases me from its unrelenting hold and I let out a loud gasp of air. I feel butterflies hit the walls of my stomach with full force as I take sharp breaths in and out in an effort to calm my rapid heartbeat. I mentally prepare myself for what possibly is on the other side of the door, lifting a shaky fist and knocking on the polished wood.

A few tense moments pass before I hear a husky, deep voice from the other side of the wall giving me permission to enter its haven.

Goosebumps suddenly rise on my skin and a shiver runs down my back. I feel my body tense up at the feeling, confusion swirling within me. I never reacted to anyone or anything like this before. What's going on?

I gingerly and slowly, push down the handle and push the door.  I step into the room and close the door before turning around to take in the scene before me.  

I feel lonely and cold as the room sprawls out in front of me. The fashionable and modern furniture that litters the room carries shades of grey and blues. The general aura is tense, lonesome and buzzing with power so much so that I almost shrink into myself.

I focus my eyes on the large desk where the back of a tall, black chair stands, facing me. The wall behind it is made of glass and looks out at the skyline where I imagine the man's eyes roam. My eyebrows furrow as I continue to stare down the chair, wondering if it will turn to reveal the man behind it.

"Who is it?" The voice once again calls out to me causing yet another shiver to run down my back.

"I am..." My voice trembles and I clear my throat before continuing. "I am the new employee, Summer Brathwaite."

My eyes widen with shock when suddenly the chair turns, unveiling the person it holds. I feel everything around me fade into the background, my gaze never leaving his as the vibrant and unique irises from my dreams stare back at me.

Hello, everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and return for the next chapter to find out what happens :)

Sea Salt (Forbidden Love) (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora