Chapter 3- A Dark Crystal Timeline

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*in a rusted colored sky filled Equestria*

Twilight, Dusk, Barbra and Spike: [screaming as they hit the ground]

*they all slowly get up*

Twilight: *groans* What happened? *looks around*

Dusk- *looks around* Where are we?

Spike/Barbra: *worries as they recognize their surroundings* Um, Twilight? Dusk? Isn't this where the castle normally is?

Twilight/Dusk: [gasps in shock as they realize the castle's gone]

Spike: *worried* How did we get here?

Barbra- *worried*

Twilight: *concerned* Starlight and Stellar altered Star Swirl's spell, then somehow used it on the map to travel into the past and change something!

Dusk- *looks in concern* Once they did, the map pulled us back to the present!

Spike: So we're back where— I mean, when we started?

Twilight: *worried* Not exactly. Everything's different. *looks at the map* Look. The map doesn't even make sense anymore! The Crystal Empire takes up half of Equestria! *looks at the crystals* In dark crystals...

Dusk- *looks at the sky* *concerned* Not to mention the bleak rusted color sky...

Spike/Barbra: *concerned* Plus there's the whole missing castle thing.

Twilight: *serious* Right! This is too big to handle on our own.

Spike/Barbra: *worried*You think?

Dusk: *serious* We need to find our friends and get help!

*they walk in a empty barred Ponyville*

[crow cawing]

Spike: *worries* I'm gettin' a bad feeling about this.

Barbra- *worried* *looks at him worriedly* You and me both.

Twilight Sparkle: *reassures them* I know, but this is Ponyville. How bad could things be?

Dusk- *shocked* Uh, you might want to take that back

*they all look at what supposed to be Sugarcube Corner*

Spike/Barbra: *concerned* Is that Sugarcube Corner?

Twilight/Dusk: *concerned* I don't understand.

Spike/Barbra- *eyes shrink in shock and run off in worry*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at each other* *runs after them in concern*

Spike/Barbra: [gasps] [panting as they run to a disowned Carousel Boutique] *worried* Rarity? Elusive?


Spike: [grunts] *worried* Rarity?!

Barbra- *knocking harder in worry* Elusive?!

Twilight: *looks in concern* I don't think they're here. *realizes*

Spike/Barbra- *scales lower in sadness*

Dusk- *looks in concern* I'm not sure anything we know is the same. *realizes*

Both- *hugs Spike and Barbra* *smiles at them* But we know one place that could never change! *looks at each other*

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