Chapter 11- Dark Revelations

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[wind blowing as the time vortex appears and spits out Twilight, Dusk, Starlight, Stellar Spike, and Barbra]

Spike/Barbra: *gets up and looks around worriedly* Where are we?!

Twilight/Dusk: *looks around in worry* Sweet Celestia and Solaris...

Barbra- *worried* There's nothing here!

Twilight/Dusk: *looks around worriedly* We-

*the four hear screaming as Starlight and Stellar drop on the map and falls on the floor and the vortex closes*

*the two get up and glare at Twilight and Dusk*

Starlight/Stellar- *glares* Where are we? What is this!

Twilight- *looks in shock* We told you two already...

Stellar- *glares* You two really expect us to believe that your friendship with your friends causes the safety of Equestria?! You two are even more conceited than we thought! How pathetic!

Barbra- *glares at Starlight and Stellar* But you two got what you wanted right, you two stopped the rainboom, causing our friends not to meet, and this is the result. That's what you wanted right? This is the result.

*Starlight and Stellar stop glaring and take a good look around and think*

*Starlight and Stellar tries to use their magic but nothing happens*

Starlight- *angrily glares at Twilight and Dusk* This doesn't make any sense! All we were supposed to do was prevent you and your friends from getting your cutie mark connection! How does it lead to the end of Equestria!

Twilight- *serious* Our friends and us are important to Equestria because we've saved it multiple times from threats in the past. You're both so caught up in wanting to ruin our lives and your "perfect equal" philosophy that you two don't stop and think about what you're doing and who you're affecting.

Dusk- *serious* By ruining the rainboom, you two caused events, that led to Equestria's ruin taking everypony with it! *angrily* THIS IS ALL ON YOU TWO!

Starlight/Stellar: *angry* HOW DARE YOU TWO TALK TO US THAT WAY!!!


*they two hesitantly look around*

Twilight Sparkle: *serious* Like we've kept on saying, everything in the past affects the future, even the tiniest act. And what you two are doing leads here. So far, this is the worst it's gotten...and honestly, I don't think it can get any worse.

Dusk- *serious* We know we can't stop you, but we thought showing you two this might change your mind.

Starlight/Stellar: *angrily* Change our minds? You two don't know anything about us!

Twilight- *angrily* We could say the same thing about you two!!! If you two knew anything about us then you would see the consequences of your ACTIONS and not even attempt this plan in the first place!!!

Starlight/Stellar- *activates horns angrily* We we're perfectly happy before you two and your friends ruined what we built!

Twilight/Dusk- *glares* You two ruined it yourselves BECAUSE YOU TWO WERE IGNORANT, PETTY, AND SELFISH!!! *their Canterlot Voices come out but in a darker tone than usual* *their eyes glow white dangerously with their manes and tails nearly turning ethereal* 

*their voices echo so loudly that Starlight and Stellar get blown back and lower their ears in fear*

Spike/Barbra- *covers their scales in fear*

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