Chapter 4- A Plan with Disasterious Consequences

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[they land back in Cloudsdale in the past]

Spike/Barbra: [screaming but they get levitated]

Twilight/Dusk: *smiles calmly at them* All we have to do now is find Starlight and Stellar and- *the two gasp and throw up a barrier as they sense magic*

*two cyan beams hit the shield but the magic doesn't even break the shield*

*Starlight and Stellar reveals themselves smugly*

Starlight Glimmer: *smugly* Well, finding them will be easy!

Stellar- *looks at them smugly* But stopping them's gonna be harder than you think.

Starlight- *smugly* Sorry to disappoint you two, but you two did use our magic to get here. We created that spell to send ourselves back in time. So even when either of you two cast it, we still get sent back here first since we used it first. So we'll always be here before you two.

Stellar- *admits* We had planned on re-creating our village here in the past, safe from your meddling, but if you two insist on trying to stop us, we're just as happy to take our revenge all over again.

*Twilight and Dusk look at them in realization and are about to say something but Stellar beats them to it*

Stellar- *smugly at them* How? You ask? It wasn't difficult to change Star Swirl's spell. He'd already done the hard part. But figuring out we could use the map to go to any time or place and pull you two along with us?

Both- [short laugh] We even impressed ourselves with that.

Starlight- *rolls eyes* We knew you'd try to stop us. You're so predictable. Why else would we leave the scroll behind?  *grins evilly* Touching it triggered the map to whisk you two here and watch us erase the one thing that linked you two with your friends, then sent you two back to a world without them.

Twilight/Dusk- *thinks about her statement and realizes in horror* NO! *lowers their magic* *serious* Why?!

Starlight- *nuzzles Stellar* *sadly* Our village was a sanctuary of equality, where nopony's cutie mark allowed them to feel superior!

Stellar- *glares angrily at them* It was a special place, and you two and your friends took it away!

Dusk- *glares seriously* Maybe because the two of you two FORCED your villagers to love equality, stripped them of their cutie marks, and any pony who told you "no" would be locked in that room forced to listen to your voices about equality which made them more susceptible to your words all the while you two still had your cutie marks dominating over all of them like tyrants.

Twilight- *glares angrily* We should know, you two forcefully stripped us and our friends of our cutie marks, locked all us in that room hoping that we'd conform, threatened to keep us there forever, wanted Dusk and I to join your little village specifically to use our status as royalty to spread your message, and of course threatened to blast us multiple times.

Both- *glares* And we'd take it away again in a heartbeat!

*Starlight and Stellar blast at them but Twilight and Dusk deflect it*

Starlight Glimmer: *angrily* Now it's our turn to take something special from you two!

Stellar- *smirks sinisterly* Without the rainboom, you two and your friends will never form your special cutie mark bonds!

Both- *grins maliciously* Cutie marks for cutie marks! Sounds like a fair trade to us! *the two fly off*

Twilight- *worriedly to Spike and Barbra* We need to stop those two!

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