Chapter 15- An Interesting Development

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*in a pure white void*

Midnight/Nightfall- *with their eyes back to normal look across from Sunset, Glare, the Humane 5, and Human Colt 5 in fear*

Sunset- *looks at them with sadness in their eyes* We're so sorry this happened to both of you...

Midnight- *scared* We never wanted this...we didn't want to hurt anyone...

Nightfall- *sadly* We got so caught up in-

Glare- *calmly smiles* Trying to understand something you weren't meant to...

Midnight/Nightfall- *looks at them and silently nods*

Sunset- *sincerely* Believe us, we understand. *looks out into the void and starts to lightly smile*

*the Humane 5 and Human Colt 5 smile sincerely and nods*

Midnight/Nightfall- *looks at them* You do?

Glare- *nods calmly* *smile fades* You shelter yourself from others to pursue knowledge...

Sunset- *smile fades* You strive to be the best...but that's not want something more...

Midnight- *looks up sadly with tears in her eyes* So you pursue it...

Nightfall- *sadly with tears in his eyes* No matter the cost...

Sunset- *smiles sincerely* But...two can still do that...

Midnight/Nightfall- *confused* How?

Glare- *smiles calmly* Someone to guide you two and be there for you...

Nightfall- *nervous* Like friends?

Midnight- *looks down sadly* The only real friends we've ever had were Spike, Barbra, and each other...

Sunset/Glare- *looks at each other then smiles sincerely* *holds each other's hand and extends their hands* *sincere* We could be your friends too... If you both want *smiles sincerely and they can too* And they can too...

Humane 5/Human Colt 5- *smiles and waves*

Midnight/Nightfall- *looks at their hands hesitantly then looks at each other* *holds each other's hands and takes their hands with a sincere smile*

*the Mane 5 and Colt 5 come down in sadness*

*Equestrian Applejack and Equestrian AJ are holding Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk who are unconscious*

Equestrian Applejack- *concerned* We can't get them to wake up.

Equestrian AJ- *carrying Prince Dusk bridal style* *worried* Whatever those villains did to them...they're out of it.

*the others look in worry*

*Midnight and Nightfall's horns disappear as their wings disappear and they return to normal*

*Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk return to normal from their corrupted states*

*at Canterlot High*

*a bright light shines in the center of the yard shocking everyone revealing the 26 students touching down on the ground*

*everyone looks in shock and are quiet*

*the Royals and faculty walk over to them*

P. Celestia- *concerned* Are you all alright?

Celestia- *concerned* Is anyone hurt?

E. Applejack/E. AJ- *worriedly walks to Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris holding Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk who are battered, bruised and unconscious*

*the royals, Discord, Eris, and the faculty look in shock and worry*

*P. Celestia and P.Solaris take Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk in their arms*

E. Rarity- *worriedly at tears* We didn't do that to them, did we?

*Discord and Eris touch Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk' foreheads and their eyes glow yellow*

Fluttershy- *worried* Is there anything we can do?

Discord/Eris- *takes their hands off and their eyes go back to normal* *takes a deep breath*

E. Applejack/E. AJ- *worried* Well?

*Discord and Eris are about to answer but are interrupted by shining lights*

*the Mane 5 and Colt 5 see the Elements of Harmony in their jewel forms floating and glowing in the sky*

Bubble- *concerned* Does that normally happen?

E. Pinkie- *admits* ...We don't really know...

*the Element of Magic glows white as do the other elements*

*everyone shields their eyes at the intensity of the light*

*the Elements are glowing in white silhouettes and change forms*

*the glowing light dims and everyone opens their eyes and looks in shock at what they see*

*the Elements transformed themselves into astral manifestations of themselves and they look like transparent humans*

*everyone looks in shock and silence*

*the Elements look like astral projections of their bearers but are in their respective colors*

*the Element of Honesty looks like Applejack and AJ but they have glowing white eyes and are orange*

*the Element of Kindness looks like Fluttershy and Butterscotch but they have glowing white eyes and are light yellow*

*the Element of Laughter looks like Pinkie and Bubble but they have glowing white eyes and are light pink*

*the Element of Generosity looks like Rarity and Elusive but they have glowing white eyes and are pale white*

*the Element of Loyalty looks like Rainbow and Blitz but they have glowing white eyes and are light blue*

*the Element of Magic looks like Twilight and Dusk but they have glowing white eyes and are light purple*

*everyone is staring*

*the Element of Magic hovers over to Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk and each place a hand on their bearers chest*

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk- *their eyes snap open to glow black with dark magic veins spreading across their bodies and they sharply gasp*

P. Celestia/P. Solaris- *worriedly* Twilight?! Dusk?!

*the Mane 5, Colt 5, Sunset, Glare, the Humane 5, Human Colt 5, Twilight, Dusk, Spike, Barbra, Puppy Spike, Puppy Barbra, the Royals, Discord, Eris, and the faculty look in worry*

Applejack- *concerned* What's happenin' to 'em?

Butterscotch- *worried* Are they ok?

Element of Magic (female)- *to them* *regal and solemn* Their magic has been tainted and corrupted.

Element of Magic (male)- *regal and solemn* The combined magic of the corrupted royals, the chaos royals, the changeling royals, and the umbra royals were infused within our bearers when those alternate villains used their dark magic to corrupt them. It corrupted their natural magic, since magic is connected life force and energy, their beings were corrupted in turn.

Prince Solaris *worried* Can you remove it?

Element of Magic- *to them with a calm smile* Yes, my solar prince. Rest assured, they will recover but they need time, we feel their exhaustion from the ordeal. From the alternate villains to the constant use of magic to escape the timelines, the multiple uses of the time spell, and trying to fight the magic abusers...

Element of Magic- *serious* And speaking of which...*flicks his wrist*

*Starlight and Stellar are levitated in flaming purple magic and are brought to the Elements while looking in worry and fear as the Elements, the Mane 5, Colt 5, Sunset, Glare, Discord, Eris, Royals, Spike, and Barbra are glaring darkly at them*

Starlight/Stellar- *swallows nervously in fear and worry*

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