Chapter 6- A Matter of Time

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*they arrive back in Cloudsdale*

Twilight/Dusk- *create a shield as they see a beam of magic come at them* *angrily glares at Starlight and Stellar who glare back and are standing on a cloud* *the two look around the track and smirks* *regains their composure*

*Twilight and Dusk blast at them landing but Starlight and Stellar dodge*

Starlight/Stellar: *smirks* Not bad, but it's gonna take a lot more than that! *glares*

Dusk: *smirks* We could, but then why would we want to waste our magic?

Starlight/Stellar- *shoots at them angrily*

Twilight/Dusk- *puts up a shield* *smirks at each other*

*some pegasi look in shock*

Twilight- *teleports off*

Dusk- *yawns and blasts at Starlight and Stellar*

*blasts directly at Starlight and Stellar*

*the blast gets blocked*

Stellar: *smirks* Ha! And you apparently got to be Celestia and Solaris' students! What a joke!

Starlight- *smirks* Like we said, you're so predictable.

*the two notice Dusk's smug expression and looks in confusion*

Dusk- *smirks* Maybe, but I've learned to expect the unexpected.

Starlight/Stellar- *glares* What?! *the two get stunned by magenta magic*

Twilight- *flies past as the two are disoriented* *smirks* You say that we're predictable, but you're both predictable by thinking we're predictable so you don't notice us being unpredictable like that. *flies back to Dusk*

*Starlight and Stellar regain their composure and glares angrily at them*

*Starlight and Stellar angrily blast at them*

*Twilight and Dusk shield themselves*

Twilight- *to Dusk* Wanna tire them out?

Dusk- *nods* Sure

[many magic zaps later and shields later]

Starlight/Stellar- *tiredly blast at Twilight and Dusk but they block it*  *their ears lower sadly*

Twilight/Dusk- *glares* You two done yet?

Starlight/Stellar- *glares* Not even close!

Voices: HEY!

*the six look to see an adult male pegasus coach fly over to them*

Spike/Barbra- *worried* Twilight? Dusk?

Twilight/Dusk: *looks at him* Yes, sir.

Male Pegasus- *serious to them** Don't you have regard for public safety! Get your magic off the track! Ponies can get hurt.

Dusk- *calmly* Apologies, we'll leave right away.

Twilight- *nods in concern*

Starlight/Stellar: *smirks confidently* See? You two can't stop us no matter what you do.

*Twilight and Dusk levitate Spike and Barbara on their backs*

Male Pegasus- *glares seriously* You six are lucky the young pegasi camp fillies and colts didn't get hurt. *snorts* Honestly, it's a good thing the instructor took them out for the morning. *flies off*

*Twilight and Dusk slyly smirk at each other and fly off slowly*

Starlight/Stellar- *realizes* Wait...WHAT! *looks around to see a pegasus mare with a white mane and tail* *lands* Excuse us...

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