Chapter 12- Trying To Control Magic

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*in the astral plane*

*Discord Dusk, Eris Twilight, Chrysalis as Barbra and Metamorphosis as Spike arrive along with the other invisible villains*

*they're far from past Celestia and Solaris who are singing to unicorn Twilight and Dusk*

Sombra- *invisible* *whispers seriously* Why are we here?

Discord Dusk- *smirks sluly* Just wait and watch...*makes himself invisible*

*Eris makes herself, Chrysalis and Metamorphosis invisible*

*back with Celestia and Solaris*

Celestia- *singing warmly to Twilight* It's time now for a new change to come...

Solaris- *singing warmly to Dusk* You've grown up, and your new lives have begun...

*Twilight and Dusk smile calmly*

*Discord and Eris slowly get closer*

Celestia- *sincere* To go where you will go...

Solaris- *sincere* To see what you will see...

Both- *in unison* To find what you will be, for it's time for you...*flies and spreads their wings* To fulfill your DESTINY!!!

*Twilight and Dusk look at then in confusion*

*two wisps of magic come from their chests and floats in front of them*

*Discord and Eris use their magic*

*the wisps get teleported in glass jars*

Twilight/Dusk- *confused* Huh?

*Celestia and Solaris look in shock*

*the jars with the wisps of magic disappear into a newly formed time vortex*

*the time vortex disappears*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at Celestia and Solaris* that supposed to happen?

Celestia/Solaris- *confused* We're not sure...

*back in the main present*

*everyone returns from the vortex*

Discord Dusk/Eris Twilight- *makes everybody visible again* Well that was fun. *their eyes glow yellow as they phase out of their bodies*

Twilight/Dusk- *their bodies go limp and fall to the ground*

Starlight/Stellar- *looks worriedly at Twilight and Dusk' unresponsive bodies*

*Discord and Eris snap their claws*

*Spike and Barbra are let out of the bubbles*

Nightmare/NightTerror- *smirks darkly* Now we get rid of Celestia and Solaris and claim this Equestria in eternal night!

Discord/Eris- *smirks* You two mean eternal chaos!

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis- *glares at them* This Equestria will be ruled by the changelings and no other.

Sombra/Obscura- *glares at them* Don't be ridiculous! This Equestria will be taken over and run by us!

Starlight/Stellar- *worriedly* What about us?!

All 8 Villains- *darkly glares at them* What about you two?

Starlight/Stellar- *ears flatten in fear*

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