Chapter 10- Solar Advice

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*in the Everfree Forest they get shot out of the time vortex*

Twilight/Spike/Barbra/Dusk- *lands on the map then on the floor*

Spike- *tiredly* What are we gonna do!!! Those crazed psychotic unicorns just keep sending us back in timelines where things get wor-! *looks* Actually, I think I'll take back that statement...

Barbra- *looks* Twilight! Dusk! Look!

Twilight/Dusk- *stares angrily at the map table* *snaps out of it and looks* *shocked* Huh?

*the skies are clear orange-red with pegasi moving the clouds from afar and Canterlot on it's mountain top in the distance*

Twilight/Dusk- *shocked* We don't-

*orange flames surround them as guards in golden armor with purple details come out of nowhere with weapons pointed at them*

Spike/Barbara- *hides behind Twilight and Dusk*

Guards- *serious* *has their spears of fire* Come quietly, our rulers wish to speak with you two.

Twilight/Spike/Barbra/Dusk- *gulps nervously*

*in the throne room of Canterlot Castle in the alternate timeline*

Twilight/Spike/Barbra/Dusk- *sees two golden spiked thrones with pools of lava on the sides of them* *they notice the reddish orange sun stained glass window and banners on the side of it depicting a column of pony skulls as well as two alicorns with sun cutie marks in ruthless positions* *at the bottom of the throne is two bowls of coal with blue flames*

*five mares and stallions walk in with golden armor with purple accents and stand by the throne and bows*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at each other in worry*

Guards- *bows in compliance* Bow before Guardian Solar Flare and Guardian Solar Blaze

Twilight/Dusk- *arches eyebrow in confusion* Huh?

Spike/Barbra- *confused* Who?

*suddenly a large inferno of flames bursts from the center of the throne room*

Twilight/Dusk- *shields their eyes due to the intense light*

*the inferno disappears and in it's place are two white alicorns with one male and one female*

*the white alicorn mare has reddish orange sparkling flames, her regalia is a golden crown with golden horns and purple diamonds around the head of the crown, she has a goldern chestplate with the Alicorn Amulet on it, but it's golden and purple and she has back armor and under armor, she has detailed golden hoof shoes with purple diamonds in them. Her cutie mark is a dark red and orange sun. Her eyes are purple and dragon like and has dark orange eye shadow*

*the white alicorn stallion also has reddish orange sparkling flames, his regalia is a golden crown with golden horns and red diamonds around the head of the crown, he has a golden chestplate with the Alicorn Amulet on it, but the amulet is golden it's gem and eye is red and he has back armor, and wing armor, he has detailed golden hoof shoes with red diamonds in them. His cutie mark is a dark red and orange sun. His eyes are turquoise and dragon like.

Solar Flare/Solar Blaze- *solemn* Us...

Spike/Barbra- *gasps in fear*

Twilight/Dusk- *eyes are shrunken in horror* *shaky* No...

Solar Flare- *serious* *arches eyebrow menacingly* Who are you and how did you get in our kingdom?

The Eclipsing Obscurity Of Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें