Chapter 16- Elemental Judgement

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*everyone is silent as the Elements who are in astral projections of their bearers are darkly gazing at Starlight and Stellar*

*the Mane 5 and Colt 5 glare at the two with dark gazes*

*the Royals especially Cadence and Bolero are glaring seriously*

*Discord and Eris are lightly glaring*

Equestrian Spike- *confused and speaks up* Excuse me, Element of Magic,'am...? A question?

Element of Magic- *looks at Equestrian Spike* *calm* You may speak young drake

Equestrian Spike- *looks at Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk who are unconscious* *looks at the elements* You said that the dark magic you two got from them was the dark magic from when the villains corrupted Twilight and Dusk? How exactly?

Equestrian Barbra- *concerned* After the villans captured us, they took us to this starry room and we saw Celestia, Solaris, Twilight, and Dusk there but they didn't have their wings.

Element of Magic- *nods* The alternate lord and lady of chaos needed a portion of the life force of our bearers but in physical form. They sought out a portion of the physical essence of Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk during their ascensions to becoming alicorns. *serious* They used their essence and corrupted it with the combined power of a millenium worth of dark magic, which in turn corrupted our present bearers.

Element of Magic- *solemn* And our bearers couldn't even fight the dark magic due to being unconscious from their battle with the alternate villains, as well as exhaustion. From constant strain of going back in time...which leads us to the two of you. *looks at Starlight and Stellar* *serious with her voice deepening* If it were up to us we'd strip you two of your magic and petrify you two on the spot and send you two the bowels of Tartarus never to see the light of day for your crimes.

Discord/Eris/Luna/Artemis/Sunset/Glare- *looks at the Elements in worry*

Mane 5/Colt 5/Humane 5/Human Colt 5- *worried*

Celestia/Solaris/Cadence/Bolero- *looks at each other in concern*

Starlight/Stellar- *looks in fear*

Element of Kindness- *serious* You two need to understand the severity of your crimes. The two of you abused your gift of magic for morally unjust deeds and then stole an ancient spell, to send two innocent ponies through time and alter it so that you two could claim revenge that ultimately goes nowhere. And in doing so, you two indirectly caused harm to multiple timelines because of your actions.

Stellar- *his face turns from fear to defensive* How we're we morally unjust? *glares at Twilight and Dusk* And innocent?! Those two and their friends came into our village and ruined our lives by destroying everything we worked for!

Equestrian Rarity- *glares angrily* The two of you stripped those villagers against their free will, stripped us of our cutie marks, held us hostage in hopes that we would forcefully comply to your ways through brainwashing and suggestion, the magic of that equal cutie mark forcefully draining us of our individuality, tried to conform Twilight and Dusk to help you with your cause due to their statuses as Equestrian royalty, intentionally hid your cutie marks from the villagers, tried to run off with our cutie marks and then some.

Element of Generosity- *uses magic to showcase the Mane 6 and Colt 6 getting their cutie marks stripped from them and threatened to be held captive for years unless conforming to their equality society*

Celestia/Solaris/Luna/Artemis/Cadence/Bolero- *glares at Starlight and Stellar hard*

Starlight/Stellar- *looks at them worriedly*

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