The beginning

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The year is 1917, and I was outside playing with my brothers. At the time I was 9.
" I am going to get you!!" Edward yelled running after my twin brother named Matthew. They were running right at me, so a looked around and climbed a tree at was right next to me. They ran right past me.
" Evergreen where are you" said Edward and a very sneaky voice. It almost made me laugh. He went back to the tree. And made  a big grind when he looked up. He tried to climb the tree, then he was halfway there and he fell on his bum. Then as soon as he fell me and Matthew knighted with laughter.
" why are you laughing! At me your big brother" he said acting so dramatic.
We both kept laughing until we heard her mom yell for dinner so I went inside and went upstairs to get dressed out of my play clothes. After that we ran downstairs and sat at the table, Mom made mashed potatoes cornbread and we had some milk to go with it it was the best dinner we had in a long time. Because today was the day my dad I was coming home. You see my father was in the army and is now returning home. And then I heard someone opening the door all our heads looked at the door to see my dad. He is home! We all gave him a big hug and sat down and ate the dinner mother prepared. After dinner Edward went to piano I help mom with the dishes and sat down next to Edward Matthew joined us too. Then Edward started to play on the piano me and Matthew were amazed at her big brother skills I wanted to be just like him. So then he put his hands off of the piano and I felt like he wanted me to try to play something. So I put my hand on the piano and started to play, I heard the keys in my head and I didn't pay attention to what they sound like outside my head. Then Matthew started to play too. I kept playing and I thought I did very good for the little time I have played piano.
I sounded a little like I was playing

After we finished me and Matthew looked up to see my parents and brother in shock. Me and Matthew smile and ran upstairs. I share a room with my brothers. But I have my own bed Edward and Matthew have to share and bed.
" you two did very well today at the piano" Edward said he was very proud of us.
" thank you" me and Matthew said.
We went to bed. I woke up early to see Edward already awake I'm headed down to see my mom kitchen and Edward at the table, and my mother had a plate of leftover cornbread with a little bit of butter. I ate my food so I did Edward Matthew came downstairs to eat after we all ate, me, Edward and Matthew went outside to walk to school. We are walking to the school house. After school we headed home. And we ate dinner we played outside, play the piano and then went to bed. It was the same routine for about a year. Dad went to work, Mom made our meals, me and Matthew went to school and Edward play piano. The year was 1918. It was me and Matthew's 10th birthday and on at day my dad was diagnosed with Spanish influenza. And he died about a week after our birthday. And then my mom and Edward was diagnosed with Spanish influenza too. Me and Matthew spent a lot of time in the hospital with Edward and mother. One day Edward gave me a Beautiful bracelet at was Silver and had a piano charm on it. And the bracelet had a picture of me and my family.
As he gave this to me he said " promise me at you will not stop playing the piano my little Evergreen"
" I promise"
Then he gave Matthew a picture of the family and a letter at he said at we could not open in till we turn 17.
" love you my little Oak" Oak was Matthew's nickname.We nodded and hugged him and headed home alone just me and Matthew. The next day we headed to the hospital and we went to talk to Dr. Carlisle. And Dr. Carlisle said at my mother and my brother was died. Matthew quickly pulled me into a hug. Oh by the way,Matthew is older than me by 15 minutes. I sobbed on Matthew's shoulder for a minute. And then Carlisle said at we need to go to a orphanage so he took us to the orphanage nearby. And me and Matthew had to file papers out about our parents and her older brother death. Then people the orphanage a look if we have anymore family alive. From my knowing I did not have any more family members it was just me and Matthew.

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