Vampire life

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Evelyn POV
It's been two years since we turn into vampires me and Matthew both have gifts. My gift is teleportation and I'm as strong as a newborn Matthew gift is he can read minds and he is as fast as a newborn.Me and Matthew both work for a clan that we call outcast. I work as a tracker and Matthew also works as a tracker.I am  the best tractor and I can track the person with the picture  or an item. And our clan works with Volturi. And we go on a lot of missions.We often go on round the world checks on how many vampires there is in the world or liking vampire population. We the reporting numbers to aro and if there is a lot of vampires we go out on a killing spree. Me and Matthew are on a mission now for a tiny girl, was turned to a vampire way to young because she's 12 years old and her name is Kaylee. Me and Matthew have a picture of her so we can track it pretty easy we're outside her house watching her. I call Jane and Alec to kill her, they walked in her house and killed her and I laughed and I come in and they take her body out side and then they burn the body. I am  enjoy what we do Matthew does not.But I feel at we are making the world a better place. When I finally got home me and Matthew went into our room and sat down and did nothing. There are 7 people and our coven all are very nice. One is named Luke our Creator, and his mate Lucy and then there is me and Matthew, then there is a guy named Jordan and his mate name Maya, and then we have a hybrid on our team but everybody just considered him a vampire and his name is PJ.
" hey Evelyn... why do you fight?"
Matthew asked.
" I fight because when Luke and the drunk men grabbed me I couldn't fight them so I fight because I don't want to be weak." I said. After I said that there was a moment of silence, I looked at Matthew try to get any face expression. Matthew being Matthew didn't show any face expression he opened his mouth a couple times didn't speak. That's actually how I felt that now that I can defend myself and I can do that I'm happy I can be happy but probably not.
" Matthew please talk" I said.
" ok.... thanks for the answer"
" do you remember Edwards last day and he gave us that letter and that picture, and said we can open the letter when we were 17 well technically we are 17 and I think we should open the letter now what about you?"
You looked at me pocket and handed me the piece of paper if I wanted to. Read it and I put the water in our dresser if any of us want to read it because then I put out the picture that Edward gave to me. It looked like this :

Matthew sat down next to me and looked at the picture I had in my  in my hands

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Matthew sat down next to me and looked at the picture I had in my in my hands. And then Matthew pulled me in to a hug and I made crying sounds but no tears came out because vampires can't cry and Matthew just rocked me telling me that Edward love me and that he lived a good life.

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