Our first home

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After we arrived at the orphanage we were told that we would go into a foster home. So today we are going to our foster house . Me and Matthew are very nervous this is the first foster home at they will be in. And I still not taking the news that my father my brother and my mother are all dead. I feel bad for Matthew he helps me and cares for me when I should care for myself and treat his needs but he cares when I'm crying he cares when I'm angry he's trying to be like Edward. I know that he is still not happy about us going to a foster home. And I still have to bracelet at Edward gave me, and Matthew still has the letter. And I know it's only been a week. But I miss my big brother. It was time to go so we walked to our foster home which look like this:

 It was time to go so we walked to our foster home which look like this:

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Our Foster mother was named Emily and our foster father was named Jimmy. Their house is small it had two bedrooms one for our foster parents and one for me and Matthew. Our foster father Jimmy was in the army as well as my dad. So I asked him a lot of questions and if you knew my dad. But when we first met then me and Matthew were scared to knock on the door I was holding his hand as they open the door and introduce themselves to us.Matthew knew I didn't want to talk so he introduced me and him. I can't believe I'm in a foster home I still can't believe my family's dad but I still have my twin brother. Emily was a very good cook, and friend. She was understanding. Matthew was getting along with Jimmy. Jimmy thought us how to shoot a gun. It has been a a year since my family died. It is now Matthew and my birthday. And it is the first birthday alone. Today me and Matthew went to the library because it had a piano. And I was going to play, because I ever break my promise.

Matthew POV
We walked to the library, I knew that Evelyn was having a hard time with our brother's death it had only been a year. I was hurting too but I felt like I had to replace my older brother, which meant I had to be there, and not cry in front of her. We walked in the library everybody was watching us. Evelyn sat on the piano and I sat next to her, she put her hands on the piano and begin to play. I watched her play and then I join in.  She played something like this:

And we stand up from piano and looked around, everybody in the library was staring at us. Me and her blushed I hold her hand and we bowed everybody. I can't believe it's been a year since her brother died I have a note that he wants us to read at 17, but I don't know if I can wait that long. I have an idea that he still out there that I still alive, and at I will find him. But Evelyn thought at was crazy. I hope she will be ok.

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