Forget about the title

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Let me die!
Thank you all for 1k readers =3 When I saw that I was very close to cry happy tears.

Let me die!Thank you all for 1k readers =3 When I saw that I was very close to cry happy tears

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I'm doing this at my IPad.
Here down are the chapter. Just forget the title. Like I said I don't have a name to the title. (To lazy to even think about the title.)

Papyrus UT POV:
The little skeleton in green and rainbow scarf is starting to wake up. The girl who named "Cake" is standing a four meters away and talk to Ink and Dream. They doesn't talk very long time until they were done.
-So what are she saying? Undyne ask.
-She say that she is gonna help us to find Classic and Red... Dream said and look little like this😑
-And why are we gonna trust her and her company. Undyne ask again and pointe at the skeleton who now are awake.(You ask to much Undyne shut the f**ck up! Will ya?) (Sorry for swear)
-I don't know but somehow I feel like we should trust her. Ink say

I do trust the girl but we must find my brother. Now I'm missing him very much.. I Hope he is ok.

Omg this is my shortest chapter I ever write only 199word! But I'm to lazy to write more.

See ya~

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