Chapter 17 : Oh Shit

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You woke up a little bit earlier than your normal time. No one was awake yet, so you decided to make everyone breakfast. You wobbled down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. You didn't feel like making a huge meal, so you just fried some bacon and made some waffles. The food was soon sat on the table, and in a few minutes Sam was walking into the kitchen.

"Dean is going to be pissed when he finds out you cooked." He said as he sat down at the table and grabbed a plate.

"I didn't. You did." You said with a wink. He just shook his head in response.

You went over to the coffee pot and started brewing Dean some coffee. Soon and Dean walked in.

"What the hell is this?" He asked as he saw you sitting down at the table.

"Sammy cooked us breakfast." You said pointing towards Sam who had already started eating.

"Wow, Sammy. What's the occasion?"He asked as he grabbed him a plate.

"Nothing. Just thought I would cook." Sam said while looking your way.

You walked over to the now full pot of coffee and made both the boys a cup. You walked back to the table and sat the cups in front of them.

"I can get it." Dean said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"So can I." You said before sitting down and eating.

"So Faith?" Sam asked you.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"How many weeks until your due date?" Sam asked.

"Two." You said looking down at your very large stomach.

"Wow. Doesn't seem like 9 months." Sammy said with awe.

"I know." You said agreeing with him.

You all ate the rest of your meal in silence.

5 Hours Later
You and the boys sat down watching another movie on Netflix. The room was dark, and quiet except for the sounds of the tv. While you watched the screen and was cuddled up to Dean you got a very sharp pain in your abdomen. Dean saw you flinch, and was immediately alert.

"Honey, you okay?" He asked as he looked down at where you laid on his chest.

"It's just a little pain. I'm okay." You said as you tried not to make a big deal.

Within seconds of those words leaving your mouth, the pain got sharper and more intense. You stood up from the couch and walked around the living room for a few minutes. Dean never let his eyes off of you.

"What's going on?" Dean asked as he stood up from the couch.

"I just think she's moving around." You said as you looked down at your stomach.

The pain never got better. Only sharper and more painful by the minute. You were soon gritting your teeth from the pain. Dean started getting worried, and was trying to help you in anyway possible. You sat back down on the couch and Dean crouched in front of you. You laid your head in his shoulder as he rubbed your back in circular motions.

"Ok. This isn't her just moving around.  I think its just Braxton Hicks. The doctor said this would happen. I need to try and relax so I'm going to get in the shower." You said as you stood up and walked up the stairs.

Dean was right behind you the whole way. You stripped from your clothes and got into the shower. Dean also got in and helped you, and tried to help you relax.

A few minutes later and Dean slid out of the shower to get both of you towels. As soon as he shut the door a rush of fluid went down your legs.

"Oh, shit!" You yelled as you processed what just happened.

"What's wrong, baby?" Dean yelled as he ran back over to the shower.

"My water just broke." You said as you looked down.

He opened up the door and saw. He smiled really big and helped you clean yourself up.

"This is great!" He yelled as he helped you out of the shower.

You couldn't stop the smile that grew on your face as you seen him get so excited. You dried off and put of the most comfortable things that you had. Dean grabbed the already prepared hospital bag and suit case that was in the closet. He grabbed his keys and you both headed to the Impala.

"What did you tell Sammy?" You asked as you bucked your seatbelt.

"I told him that we are going to the hospital and that I would come and get him after she is born." He said as he started to drive to the hospital.

Your contractions started coming. They weren't really painful, but you could tell they got more intense the closer to the hospital you got. Dean kept your hand in his the whole way there.

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