Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It took almost 15 hours to drive to New York. We got there at 1:00 am, and stayed in a hotel. We got up at 5:30 the next day so we could catch our flight to Scotland. The ride was long and boring. I flipped through old Entertainment Weekly Magazines and played around on my iPhone. We finally arrived in Scotland, about two hours from my Aunt's mansion. We rented a car and drove there. That's where I am now, standing front of my new house.

I close my eyes. I can't look at the mansion anymore. It is old, very old. It looks like something of a fairytale, like a princess' castle. And I can't bare it. I just want to go home. The air tastes salty and bitter. The cold pricks at my bare ankles. So this is Scotland. I help my parents unload the overstuffed car. "What do you think, kiddo?" My dad says with a grin.

It's horrible and ugly. It feels bad and tastes bad. It's lonely; there are no neighbors for at least a mile. The nearest store is over 20 minutes away. Gwinn was a small town, but it was at least populated!

"It's cool," I reply with a frown.

"Ahh," He sighs. "You'll get used to it." He rubs my shoulder supportively.

"Sure," I mutter, pushing off his hand.

I drag two of my suitcases inside the house. The door creaks open to reveal a dusty, dark hallway. "Beautiful." I sigh sarcastically. "Just beautiful." I feel for a light switch on the wall, and when I find one I flip it on. Now I can see the highlights. There is a marvelous chandelier above my head. The wall paper is a royal purple color. The floor is hardwood with a muddy doormat thrown over it. I set down my suitcases and walk up the staircase at the end of the hall. Each step creeks as I place my foot upon it. On the second floor, I count 5 doors. I open each one. A storage closet, a bedroom, another bedroom, a bathroom, and a master bedroom connected to a master bathroom. I climb back down the stairs to hear the chatter of my parents in another room. I lean against the door and listen in.

"I don't understand what Providence doesn't like, it's lovely!" My mother exclaims in a hushed tone.

"She's just being bratty, She misses her friends and Gwinn. She hasn't got a decent sleep in a few days either. Give her a chance, she'll love it here. Come' on Elena, don't look at me like that."

"I just feel so bad for her Craig. She's moved so far from the only place she has ever called home. What about Emily? Emily Swartz? What about that? They have been best friends since they were 10. "

"They can text. Or phone. Thank you Apple!"

I narrow my eyes as my mom giggles. "It's not the same. And Matt? What about him? He broke up with Prov cause he didn't want a long distance relationship."

Matt. My heart thump against my chest, threatening to break out. I squeeze my shut. I will not cry over him, not now.

There is an awkward silence. "In a few years, none of them will matter. Providence will have new friends and be happy. So... what's for dinner?" My dad exclaims. I walk in, with a fake smile plastered on my face. "Yes, I am starving."

"Well, let's see. Karen's left us some... tomato soup and-er-oranges and a bottle of rootbeer...that's it. I better check the dates though," My mom says thoughtfully. We eat our dinner of soup and soda, which hardly seems fit in a house this fancy. "There is a school 'bout 25 minutes away from here," My dad mentions.

"Okay," I reply nonchalantly, twisting my spoon in my soup.

"It seems nice," He adds.

I nod. Doesn't he get that I don't want to talk?

"It's called Kimble High. It's very large, and I suppose there is a little bit larger city about 20 minutes away from here, and that's where those kids go.

"I don't really care," I retort.

"Providence! Your dad is just trying to talk to you. The least you could do would be to listen."

"I'm full. " I say, dropping my spoon. I stomp up the stairs and into a random bedroom. I guess I would sleep in here, because I wasn't going down there anytime soon. I pull my iPhone out of my back pocket and begin to text Emily.

Emily: You there yet?

Me: Just got here. It is horrible. 😟

I go on to Instagram and scroll through everyone posts. A lot of my friends posted goodbye/miss you posts. I take a selfie in my new room.

I miss you all! I hate this place! I write in the description. I turn off my phone. I am tired, I really haven't slept well in days. I lay my head on the pillow-which, actually is pretty comfortable-and fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of birds chirping. I must have forgotten to shut the curtains because it was very sunny. I had went to sleep in my shorts and hoodie, so I dig through my suitcase for something more comfy to wear. I pull out my Gwinn High School Sweatpants and leave my hoodie on. I go to the window and look outside. My eyes widen and I gasp. There is an old man standing in the backyard in front the woods, and he seems to be staring at me. There are no houses for at least a mile, how is there... I shake my head. He's gone. I swear, someone was out there. I pull the curtains shut. I gulp down my fear. I'm probably going crazy. But I am still nervous, I can't shake off the feeling that he was watching me. I walk down the stairs to find my parents, because it is awfully quiet. Instead I find a sticky note on the fridge:


We're going to visiting your aunt. Be back by 3:00. Call me if you need anything.

P.S. There's a Cliff Bar on the counter.

I shrug and grab my Cliff bar. I walk back up the stairs to find my phone. I lay down in bed and look at the time, 11:23 am. I have 3 text from Emily, 1 from Matt, 2 from my friend Maria, 1 from my friend Tessa, and 1 from my friend Grace.

Emily: You need to lighten up!

Emily: Prov...

Emily: o yea different time zones u r probably sleeping now srry!

I text her back. 'I'm up now.'

Matt:How's Scotland? :/

Me: blah :(

Maria: how r u in ur new country?do u like it?

Maria:send me a picture.

Me: it sucks. I'll send it l8er

Tessa: Hawt or Not?

Me:Not. I miss my Tessa Bear!

Grace: r u there yet Prov?

Me: got here last night. :(

They are all probably asleep, so we can't talk for another few hours. I frown and throw my phone on the bed. I walk into the bathroom and stair in the mirror. My chocolate brown hair is piled in a bird nest on top of my head. My hazel eyes are sleepy and my skin is pale. I run a brush through my messy hair until it is straight. I don't bother curling it, there is no one to see it anyway. Suddenly the image of the old man pops back into my head. I squeeze my eyes shut and then open them again. My stomach feels like it has flipped upside down, and my mouth feels dry. It's not real, I insist. But if it's not real, why am I so scared?

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