Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I rub my forehead. Where am I? I look aroud to see I am in a pool of mud, in the middle of a jungle. The memories flood back. I saw Zach in that white space, and suddenly the light dimmed and everything turned black. I was falling, falling, falling. My memories are fuzzy, and that's all I remeber before I blacked out. The jungle is quiet, there is probably nobody here. I look down once again. I can worry about how I got here after I get out of this mud. I look around for something to grab onto once I pull my arms out. My eyes land on a large tree branch that should support my weight. I grasp it in one hand and place the other one on the ground just out side the mud. Slowly I yank myself out. Pulling and pulling, pushing and pushing, at last I find myself standing on my feet. Great, I think. My shorts are ruined. My favorite pair of mint colored shorts have turned an ugly shade of brown. My flip-flops that were once white, now match the color of my shorts. My top survived, thankfully I had not fallen in that far. I wipe my mud covered arms and legs against the bark of the tree, and rub the rest of with my hands. Boy, am I going to need a shower. Suddenly, I hear footsteps in the distance. I sit up and peer into the trees. A figure in a black space suit emerges and stops before me. "Run!" He exclaims, grabbing my arm and dragging me behind him. "Okay, it should be safe now," He says pulling me behind a fallen tree trunk. He brings his finger to the black glass covering his face and whispers, "Shh," I purse my lips. Who is this boy? I hear the trots of a horse, followed by a voice. "This way!" It shouts, and slowly the voices fade away. The boy sits up and exclaims, "What are you wearing?!"
I sit there in utter shock. He drags me behind a log, waits for some people to pass and asks me what I'm wearing?
"Well, um I know my shorts got a tad muddy, but they were cute before and-" He cuts me off with a groan.
"Are you that stupid!?" He exclaims.
"Excuse me! At least I was trying to be nice! You're the one who-"
He clamps his hand over my mouth and I bite it. "Ow!" He shouts as he shakes it off. "Alright, than. How about I explain this more clearly. You-" He points to me. "-are in an acidic forest." He talks to me like I'm a baby. "And If you-" He points to me again. "-are in it for around an hour, it will start to burn your skin. So now it's my-" He points to himself. "-job to bring you back to the palace, so the queen can deal with you." I sit there in silence not understanding a word he just said. My train thought is interrupted by the boy lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I find myself staring at his back as he carries me away.
"You are coming with me."
"No! No, please! I have to get back home! I have to find how I got here! Please I need to find Scotland! Anyone know-"
"Scotland?! There's no village or kingdom called 'Scotland'. You're in Enderland now, and we're going to the Ivivan Kingdom."
Yes, I know, it's short-and late- but hey! Providence finally found Enderland! Who's the soilder in the black astronaut suit? I hope you like this chapter! Enderland finally has 100 reads!!!! YAY!

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