Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I blink and feel my knees go weak. How does he -or she- know my name? I gulp down my fear and stand still.

"... I knew you wouldn't answer, you're smart enough. Yes, you receive an anonymous call in a creepy forest when you're alone. Who would answer that? Then again, no one ever answers anonymous calls. Oh dear, I believe I am running out of time. What a precious thing, time. You have it, but before you know it, it's just out of your grasp. Follow the footprints, eh? I know I'm not that trustworthy, but, wait. Don't you want to know how I know your name? How I got your number? How I know what you are doing this exact second? How I am right behind you and you don't even see me?"

I drop my phone and spin around. No one is there. I look around, no one is here. No sound, just complete silence.

"Make a decision, before time runs out for good," The voice echoes from my fallen phone.

What's that supposed to mean? Time can't run out for good, what does that even mean?! How does he know my name? How did he get my number? Where is he? I slump down and lean against a tree. I reach to grab my phone with a shaky hand. I go onto Kik. and text Emily.

Me: you still there?

Emily: yea. What happened?

Me: well I found these footprints in the mud, I was about 2 text u then I got this random call

Emily: then?

Me: k then I waited 2 see if the caller left a message and he did, like really weird. He said my name, like full name! He said alot of creepy stuff about smartness and time and crap.

Emily: wait what?

Me: hang on! Then he said he knew my name, he-um-got my number, that he knew what I was doing and was watching. I dropped my phone and kind of dazed out for awhile.

Emily: ok wtf that's weird go home prov

Me: Im checking it out

With that, I turn off my phone and shove it in my packet. I stand up and follow the footprints. I walk for what seems like a mile, when finally I find a big area full of bushes and thorns. There is no way I can get through it. Unless...maybe I can go around it. At the ends are a few trees, tangled with vines and thorns. Maybe I could climb up one. I grasp at a lower branch, wrap my arms around it and lace my fingers through it. My shoes scrape against the bark, and at last I boost myself onto the branch. This goes on for awhile, until at last, through slipping and sliding and nearly falling, I am at the top. I can see everything.

That, of course, includes the shack.

The bushes surround the shelter in a square shape, kind of like a defense mechanism. On the other side of the bushes there are no plants, not even grass. Just dirt and a shack. My brows furrow as I observe the shack. The roof looks like it could cave in with just a touch of a finger. The shelter it's self is made of wood almost entirely. Unfortunately the wood looks disgusting and rotten. I have to squint, but I think I see the footprints leading up to the shack. Climbing down is much easier then climbing up. I practically slide off the tree and into the yard of the shack. I walk right next to the footprints untill I am right in front of a door, a rusty, screen door. I push it open with a CREEK and step inside the shack.

Inside it smells of mildew. The floor is carpeted and streaked with mud. Suddenly I hears plops and small thuds on the roof. I step outside and find that it is starting to rain. I sigh and step back inside the shack. There is a small mattress with foam and springs popping out of it. Next to the bed is a large mahogany wardrobe. Upon opening it I find it has one jacket inside. It is beige and stained. I have seen it before, though I am not sure where. Next to the wardrobe is a large straw basket, filled with food. To my surprise, it is not moldy. I pick up a bag of whole-wheat bread- same kind I eat- to find it will be good for another week.

What? This isn't that old. I grab another random item, cake mix, and read it will not expire for another year. I look around and look over everything again. This is not old. Someone is living here. The rain is pouring harder now, but not hard enough to muffle the sound of the old man walking up to the front door. My eyes land on a staircase leading downstairs. I descend it clumsily, almost tripping over my own feet. The downstairs is HUGE! But I don't have time to admire it, because I hear the door open. I dash into the nearest room I find, a closet. The darkness creeps upon me like a monster. Slowly seeking

it's prey until it choses the perfect time to strike. I grab my phone and turn it on, scaring the dark away.

(12) Emily

(1) anonymous

I bite my lip. The anonymous creep.

Anonymous: What've you gotten yourself into now dearie? Oh and by the way, you might be here for awhile, you may want to look around that closet of yours.

Yep, he sees me. Never the less, I shine my phone around the closet, until I find a letter. I pick it up, it is heavy in my hand. I flip it over, and it falls through my hand. My knees turn to lead and I stumble back against the wall.

Because that letter is addressed to me.


Cliffhanger! Poor Providence. She's stuck in a closet in a creepy guy's home, this weirdo has her # and she found a letter addressed to her! EEEEEEE! In the next chapter you will finally hear a bit about Enderland! Yeah! TARDISES and love, Amy!

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