Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A week has passed, and I'm starting to think the man was just in my head. I had just woken up, maybe I had dreamed about him. Right now I am getting ready for Kimble High Orientation. I put on a mint green T-shirt and a black and white chevron skater skirt. I shove my feet into my black converse and lace them up. I brush my dark brown hair and push it all over onto one of my shoulders. In a hurry, I applied mascara to my lashes and a little lip gloss. I practiced my smile in the mirror, I did not want a bad school picture. Finally, I put on my infinity necklace from Emily. It would be my comfort when I was all alone this year.

I stumble down the stairs, so fast I almost trip over my own feet. "Mom,let's go!" I yell. Don't think I'm excited for this new school-cause I'm not- I just haven't got outside much. I've been playing 'Make it Rain' 'Don't Step on the White Tiles' and 'Flappy Bird' since I've got here. It's just me and my iPhone.

"Coming," my mom calls. We scurry out the door and into the car. I play with my fingers, okay, maybe I'm a bit nervous. My nails are painted mint green to match my shirt, and my ring finger has white stripes painted on it. I turn the home button on and off on my phone, just for something to do. What will it be like? What will the students be like? And the teachers? I try to tell myself that I don't care, but no matter how many times I try, I still think about it. At last, we pull up to the school. My mom smiles at me, " Would you like me to come in with you?"

"Nah, I'm okay."

"I'll just wait here then. Take your time sweetie, Love you!"

I open the car door. "Love you too!"

At first I am not sure what entrance to use, but then I see some kids going through a door, so I follow them. When I enter the school, I see the plain white walls filled with bright orange lockers. It is crowed and very hard to move. I see a table up ahead, where people are surrounding. I tap the back of a girl in front of me, who turns around. She has fiery red hair, curled perfectly and hanging at her sides. She has bright hazel eyes and long eyelashes. She is wearing a floral crop top, high waisted shorts and hot pink Vans. She smiles politely at me. "Hi, can I help you?"

"Uh...yeah, sorry, I'm new. Is that table where you sigh up?"

"Yeah. You get your schedule and planner there, and then go to the cafeteria to get pictures."


"Katie," She says with a smile. " and you are.."

"Providence, but most people just call me Prov."

"That's cool. You aren't from here are you? America or something,eh?"

I blush and nod. "Yeah, I just moved here."

Katie giggles. "What grade are you going into?"

"11th," I reply. "You?"

"11th too," She says. "That'll be cool, we might have some classes together!"

"Yeah," I say with a shrug. "Maybe."

"Hey, Katie! C'mon!" A girl with short blonde hair calls.

"I gotta go," She says and smiles sheepishly.

"Bye," I wave to her as she walks away.

The man who is now in front of me turns around to look at me, and I stumble backwards, trying to catch my breath. He is balding, a tuft of snowy hair sits proudly near the back of his head. His eyes eyes are dark and stormy, and staring right at me. He had creases in his forehead and along with cheeks. He wears a dirty old coat and mud-stained Corduroys.

It is the old man I had seen outside my window. He is defiantly not in my head.

I jaw drops. "I-you," I stutter.

His expression remains plain and emotionless. He opens his mouth unnaturally and says in a monotone voice, " In the forest."

I sprint out of line and into the nearest hall. Okay, Providence, you are not crazy. He was there, he really was. Funny, the more I think that, the less I believe it. Mom's going to think I'm insane either way, so I calm down, turn around, and get back in line. The step into line, and the woman in front of me turns around with a smile, but it fades quickly. "Are you alright, love? You look you've seen a ghost."


I sat at the dinner table, nibbling at my steak. I got a lot of stuff out of orientation, my planner, my schedule, my ID, with my horrible school picture on it, and a tour of the building.

"You're hardly touching your steak dear," My mom said with a frown. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just-" I look in to her concerned eyes, filled with fear and worry. "-I'm just full."

My mom raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, excuse me." I put my dish in the sink and flee up stairs. What had that man said? In the forest-yes, that's it-but, what does it mean? I look out my window, and see no one there, only the woods that the old man had stood before. I am certain it is that forest. I don't know how, or why, but I know that is the forest. And I know that he wants me in it.


I pull on a pair of high-waisted shorts, and a hot pink crop top. I slip on my mint green Vans and go down stairs. My parents are visiting my Aunt Karen-who, by the way, is actually very nice- and I am home alone.

Alone to explore the forest.

I know, I know, it's crazy. But that man was following me, trying to get me inside the forest, and I need to know why. Yes, he could be a murder, or something like that, but still.

On normal occasions, Emily would come with me. But, due to her being on the other side of the world, it won't work. So instead, I am going to be texting her.

Me: Hey, I'm going.

Emily responds right away.

Emily: Okay. I'll be right here.

I open the screen door and run through the tall grass, my phone in hand.

I hesitantly step into the forest. The wind bites at my bare arms.

Me: k I'm here

I put my phone in my back pocket and keep walking. I hear leaves rustling to my right. I follow the sound and movement until I see footprints. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pick it up to see that the call is not from Emily, but from an anonymous number. I bite my lip and decline it. I wait for a minute, and find the caller left a message.

A cold voice that sends chills down my spine comes out of my phone.

"Ah, Providence Hyland, you've come at last."


So yeah, I know it's late I'm sorry! It's going to start getting interesting in the 3 chapters if everything works out right. So did you like it? VOTE COMMENT AND EAT AVOCADOS!

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