Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Iviva sits on a pale pink cushion. The table with the chess board on it is very close to the ground. Iviva pats a cushion across from her. "Sit, please." I furrow my brows, but walk over to her and sit down anyway.

"Chess, oh chess. Do you know how to play?" Iviva asks.

I nod in response. I have not played since the seventh grade, when I was in chess club.

"Sometimes I can not even comprehend how much chess is like real life." She continues. I looked at her strangely. Where is this going?

"There is a king, like myself, even though I am known as a queen. The king is the one who needs protection, and without him, the kingdom will fall apart. Of course, the king does not actually possess much power, seeing as they he is so heavily guarded. He possesses the country's hope." Iviva pauses and gazes at the air above my head. Yesterday she seemed so down to Earth, but now she seems like Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter books.

"I am the like the king, although I am known as the queen. Every one here has a place on our chessboard. But you Providence, you are new. You come from another world and we have been awaiting your arrival since our Kingdom, The Ivivan Kingdom, and one of the other most powerful Kingdoms in Enderland, The Land of Frizian, went to war."

"You're at war?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, we were. They wanted to control all of Enderland, and we also want to take the throne. It wad barbaric and horrific. I had lost almost my entire army. Zachariah he's the best one left."

I blush at the mention of Zach, and wonder if the people who were chasing us in The Mildflower Forest were from the Frizian Kingdom.

"We have lost this game of chess, but their is another one coming," Iviva concludes.

"What?! Iviva, you lost the battle?" I cry.

"I'm afraid so. I am, actually, not the queen of Enderland anymore, just the Ivivan Kingdom's queen. But we are planning to take back the throne, because if we don't, they will certainly bomb our kingdom."

Iviva stands up and says, "Oh, and you don't always have to call me by my last name you know. My name is Amelia Iviva, so just call me Amelia."

I sit there in shock as she walks away. I blink, and come back to reality. That was the most awkward talk I have ever had -not including a certain few from my parents- and yet the most interesting. I pick up a few chess pieces and examine them. The king has Iviva's name on it. A few pawns have names I don't know on them, and the Knight has Zachariah's name on it. I pick up the queen, the most useful chess peice, and my personal favorite. My lips form a straight line when I see what name is engraved on it. My name is carefully carved into the bottom of queen.


I was sitting on my bed someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I call.

"Zachariah," he answers.

I smile and let him in.

"Hi," I say. I brush off the white dress that Iviva- I mean, Amelia- had gave me. I hadn't gotten messy, so I didn't bother asking for a new one.

"Um, hello. I was wondering if you'd like to go somewhere with me?" He asks shyly.

God, he's cute when he gets shy.

"Why would I go on a date with a boy who kidnapped me?" I say teasingly, placing a hand on my hip.

Zach blushes a furious shade of red.

"What- no- it's not a date!" He protests.

"Whatever, if it isn't a date why are you blushing?" I retort, and secretly admire my comeback.

Zach simply shrugs.

"And besides, why would I go on a date with someone I've only just met?" I continue, secretly thanking Disney's Frozen for that line.

"Because you like me." He says with a smile.

Now it was my turn to blush. "What- no I don't!" I state.

"Will you come with me then?" He asks again.

I roll my eyes. " I guess."

Zach pulls me down a hall and past a bunch of peculiar-looking people. My wavy brown hair flys behind me, whacking some people in the face. I laugh and run along with him. He pushes the front doors open, and we dash out, and the guards stare at us with odd expressions. We fly down the marble staircase and into a freshly cut field of grass, and stops before a blanket and a basket.

A picnic!

"I'm sorry if I scared you the other day, but you would have died from the acid. And it's a good thing I found you, because you're really, really, really-"

Amazing, I thought hopefully.


I was only slightly hurt, but I brushed it off. We sat down and enjoyed a nice lunch with bread, cheese, exotic fruits, sparkling juice, and some other things I didn't recognize. After a few hours, we walked back to the palace.

"I have to explore some land," he said as we walked up to the castle.

"I'll see you later?" He asks.

"For sure," I say sweetly.

He runs away into the distance, and I turn into the castle. I dash to my room and once I'm in it, I have a girly panic attack.

If only Emily was with me now.


After my "date" with Zach, I didn't pay Amelia's talk much thought. I plopped on my bed and let out a deep sigh. I was going to find a way home, but in the meantime I wouldn't be miserable. On the dresser someone had laid clothing. It was probably one of Amelia's maids.

I fingered through it and found white, lace pajama pants and a loose, silky, white tank top. On the floor there are some cream-colored slippered. I change into the pajamas. I slip under the covers and burry my face into the pillow. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


Sorry it's short! What ship name should Zach and Prov have? Also, I'm looking for an editor- with experience preferably- to edit this book! Pm if you are interested, or post something on my message board!!! You will get payed in a follow and dedication/shoutout! Possibly votes as well if I like your story! Who likes Miranda Sings? I love her, she's so funny. Everything is awesome!!!! Okay. Okay.

I Love you all! -Hannah

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