Chapter 5

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Providence Clara Hyland is written on the back of the envelope. I swallow hard. This is the only thing in this house that looks old. The edges are yellowing, the printing is fading and it is caked in dust. This has got to be at least 10 years old. I haven't even lived here for a month. There's always the possibility that this was addressed to someone with the EXACT same name as me, but that's very unlikely. Hardly anyone is named Providence, and I'm pretty sure I am the only Providence Clara Hyland. I slump against the wall, then fall to the ground. My heart beats so hard it threatens to break out of my chest. I slowly open it up, acting as if something with pop out at me if I go to fast. I pull the note out of the envelope and set it beside me. There is something else. I draw out a key. It is a tarnished gold color and smells of copper. At the end, it is decorated with the letter E. The base is engraved with the words: {Miss Providence; The Savior}

What's that supposed to mean?

The key is on a chain, so I put it around my neck. I have a feeling it is important, even though this all seems like a sick joke. I lift up the note, sort of wanting to read it, sort of wanting to ignore it. My stomach starts to toss around and I feel like puking. This is too weird.

Dear Providence,

You do not know me yet, but I know you. My name is Zachariah. You call me Zach, in the future. I am sending this letter to your world, a week before you meet me. When you meet me I will have not written this letter yet, so do not talk about it too much. Enough about me, you need to know how to get to Enderland. Take the key and go back home, as soon as you can. You have to find a certain door in that house that only you can see. Find it, and you will find me. I know there is no way I am convincing you, but just listen Prov. Those two men are after you. The old one, that's Quinlan. He is trying to keep you here, keep you from saving the Enderland. Maleficent is the one who kept calling you. He is trying to scare you and then kidnap you so that he can slowly kill you and scare you even more. It's...confusing. You need to find me Prov. It will save our lives. Yours too.

Love, Zach

What a load of rubbish! He expects me to believe that?And though it is probably mostly fake, I can't help but feel that he is right about those men. I need to get out of here. I fold up the letter until it is very small, and then fit it into my pocket. I get the feeling the men will be trying to get there hands on it. I take the key and tuck it inside my shirt, so all you can see is the chain. Now I wait.


As soon as I hear the door shut about 2 hours later, I scramble out of the closet and into the basement. I wait a moment before tip-toeing up the stairs. I stare out the window. He is walking away. I wait until he is out of sight, then I start running, as fast as I can-which is pretty fast, given the circumstances- until I am standing before the bushes. I automatically start climbing up the tree. I must have been going too fast, because I slip and fall right outside the bushes. Pain shoots up my leg. I peek a look, and immediately regret it. My ankle is twisted in an awkward position. How will I get out of here now? I sit up and try to walk, but it is no use. I'll have to call my mom. I grab my phone and start to dial her number, but freeze as a rough, scratchy voice comes from behind me. "Well what've I got here?"

I twist my head so I can just barely see the old man.

"Please don't hurt me. Please." I say.

"Oh sweetie, why would I ever do that?"

The old one, that's Quinlan. He is trying to keep you here, keep you from saving the Enderland.

At least this isn't the other one who wants to kill me.

"I only want to help," Quinlan says. " Of course, everything comes with a price."

"What? What'd you want?" I say roughly.

"Not much, not much at all. Nothing but a promise."

"Tell me what it is," I insist sternly.

"You can't go to this place, Enderland, and I reckon you've heard of it. You gotta stay here, and live life normally. I'll leave you alone."

"Promise," I say quickly, pursing my lips.

"Good, now let me get some bandages. "

I twist around to watch him get through the bushes, he can't possibly be able to climb a tree, he is to old. The man mutters a few words, and the bushes start to move. My mouth drops open. Woah, I think as the bushes start to part and Quinlan walks through them. I need to move. This time, I am desperate enough to drag myself. I wiggle over to the tree and lean against it, trying to stand. I limp away slowly. I can do it. I think, going as fast as I could- which is sadly very slow. By the time I heard the leaves rustle as they opened, I was out of sight. I knew he would come after me, so I keep going. At last, I am outside the forest and am limping into the house. I go through the back door and lock it behind me. I stumble around, locking all the windows and doors. It's real.


Sorry it's late! My phone kept crashing when I tried to update-and,no, I couldn't do it on my laptop, cause it was typed in notes. So did you like it! I can't wait for the next chapter, Providence is going to- oops, I forgot! I can't tell you yet! Okay guys, so this is the cursed chapter, because like I've said in my message board, I have never-EVER- wrote a chapter 6 for one of my books, I have never gotten past chapter 5! I need as much support as I can get!Red Velvet Cupcakes and ugly selfies, Amy!

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