Chapter 11

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I woke up, having slept well. This bed was so much more comfortable than any one back home.


The word hit me like lightning. A big lightning strike filled with guilt. I hadn't stopped once to think about home, let alone my parents! They were probably worried sick. I felt a queasy feeling in my stomach. Slowly, I laid down. The guilt hurt. I had to know if they were okay. What if they thought I was dead. Or what if they had- I shuddered at the thought- replaced me?

What if they had adopted a new little girl, a new Providence.

A new me.

'No, no, they wouldn't,' I assured myself.

And even though I knew they didn't replace me, I couldn't shake off that horrible feeling.

Slowly, I crawl out of bed and change into a casual yellow dress that had been laid out for me. I slid my feet into some white slip-ons, and ran a brush through my tangled brown hair. I opened the door and found a girl standing there.

(AN: In her American Apparel Underwear XD)

She had long black hair and familiar grey eyes...Saffron! She had led me to Iviva's- Amelia's- room the other day.

"Greetings, Providence. I came to introduce you to Maia!" Saffron bowed and gestured to her side.

There stood a damaged girl. She was hunched over against a cane, though she looked young, maybe 12 or thirteen. Her pure blonde hair was choppy and desperately needed a trim. It her face, but when she brushed it behind her ears, I could see her beautiful ice blue eyes-or, rather, eye. She had a long, ugly scar that started at the tip of her forehead, through her right eye, and ended at her cheekbone.

"Hello," she said with a nod. She had a thick French accent, and it was beautiful.

"I'm Maia," She introduced herself. Her accent was so pretty, and I found myself wishing that I had her accent.

"Hey, I'm Pr-" I started but was cut of by Maia.

"We know who you are."

She smiled a crooked, but almost kind of cute, grin.

"Maia is a tree nymph." Saffron said.

I stair at her blankly.

"Right. Tree nymphs have a tree equivalent. Like, they live only if their tree lives. They get damaged if their tree is damaged. And they die if their tree dies."

Tree nymphs! I remembered them from some fairytales.

"My tree was hurt in the war between Frizzian and Iviva. I, therefore, am also hurt. I must live with this burden for many years, as I am hardly even a teenager."

I looked at my feet. She had done nothing to deserve that.

"Maia wanted to meet you," Saffron explained. "The prophecies state that those from the other land-Earth, I believe you call it- have healing powers, especially on plants. If you could fix her tree..."

Healing powers?! Sure, I could clean up a cut and put a band-aid on it, but no, there was no way I had freaking healing powers!

"My tree needs caring, that is all. The methods from the Other Land supposedly work on trees." Maia said hopefully.

Looking at their faces, contorted with hopefulness and happiness, I couldn't help but say yes. It wouldn't hurt to try, after all.

"I can try, I guess." I said, but it came out more like a question.

"I knew you'd help me! I give you all thanks, Providence." Maia does a little bow. "We can meet tomorrow if you'd like."

"Yeah, that'd be fine." I replied.

Maia and Saffron left in glee. I felt good for helping her, but worried, because I made a promise I couldn't keep. How in the world was I, Providence Hyland, going to heal a tree?


Zach knocked on my door later yah day.

"Hello," he said.


"Um, Iviva wanted to have a talk with you." He stated awkwardly.

"Oh that's cool," I responded with a shrug of my shoulders.

"You can follow me,if you want," Zach smiled shyly and gestured towards the door. I brushed of my yellow dress and followed him.

"How have you been enjoying the palace?" Zach asks.

"It's pretty cool I guess." I say, and look into his hazel eyes. They are bright and moving, completely and totally alive.

"Do you miss them?" He asks suddenly. I am taken back by his question.


"Your family. Do you ever miss them?" He asks softy.

"Yeah I do. I wonder if they're okay, or if they miss me, or-well, yeah." I could say more, but I really do not feel like crying now.

"I had a family, once."

I am shocked by the statement. I open my mouth slightly, but he only smile sadly.

"Once upon a time, I lived in a village, with a family. My mum, my dad, my brother, Learian, and my sister, Yvette. I was 14, Learian was 9, and Yvette was 12."

I had never really pictured Zach with a family. That's odd.

"That's how old we were when the war between Frizzian and Iviva began. Our village was burned by the Frizzians. I lost my dad, Learian, and Yvette. My mom died later in the war, because of bad health. That's why I'm here, with Queen Iviva, I want to take revenge on Frizzian. I want to make my family proud."

We had stopped walking. I reach out and grab his hand.

"I'm sorry."

I'm not really sure what to say.

"It's fine. You couldn't have done anything. I-I just miss them." He looks over at me, then shakes his head. As we walk to Iviva's room, he never once lets go off my hand.


Gahhhh! More #Prach!

Comment "Prach is my OTP" below if you are reading this!!!

OTP means one true pair, for those of you who don't know.

I'm so excited about Maia! Go follow:

@Soccer_Lover_Person for creating her! Thanks a lot, she's a pretty cool character!

My basement flooded. Lucky me. :/

Next chapter will involve:


•Battle Training (something like Divergent XD)


•Tree healing ( or something like that )

Also, I need more #Prach scene ideas!

Thanks so much everybody! I can't believe I've almost hit 600 followers!

Love, Hannah ❤️❤️❤️

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