Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Scarlett Johansson as Iviva :)
"Which means,we have quite a bit of explaining to do. Our savior has come at last."

I got a feeling Iviva was talking about me. I bit my lip. Savior?I suddenly remembered that key, the one with the letter. On the side it had read: {Providence;our savior}

Oh my gosh. I sat up in bed, and was greeted with an awful headache. I grimly laid back down on my pillow. I was not the slightest bit tired, so I just let my self wander in my thoughts. It dawned on me then, that I had never even tried to find out where I was. I had just gone with the flow, thinking that I was Enderland, but where in the world is Enderland?!

Not in this world.

No, no, no, no. That's hardly possible. But it was the only explanation I had. I mean, think about it! An acidic forest, an actual fairytale kingdom? Earth doesn't have that stuff. Oh my gosh, and my parents! What were they doing now?! Probably had the police and everything. They probably came home to an empty house, with my crutches lying uselessly against a wall. When I had got here, my ankle had magically healed. Which, is another reason I think Enderland isn't on this planet. If I didn't know better, I'd say this is a dream. Suddenly, the door creaks open. I look over to see Iviva, Zach, and another girl, who is probably only five. She peers curiously over Iviva's hip.

"Good, you're awake," Zach snickers. I nod, still feeling sick and not in a very good mood.

"Providence, I'd like you to meet someone very special," Iviva says softly, with a sweet smile. "This is Lillie, Lillie Walton."

The little girl, Lillie, steps forward. Her hair is dark brown, not unlike mine, and pulled into two small pigtails. She wears a yellow dress that falls to her chubby little knees. Her feet are bare and her toenails are polished purple. "Hi," She whispers shyly, still holding Iviva's hand.

"This is your distant cousin, Providence." Zach says, biting his lip. "You're great aunt, she had a child that had gone missing didn't she?" I furrow my brows. What?! She-she actually did have a missing daughter. Wait, what?!

"Yeah, but-"

"And that daughter came here. She had Lillie and...well..." He looks to Lillie's innocent face. "Moved on."

"That's NOT what happened!" I exclaim.

"Well then, if you know so much, what did happen, Prov?"

I frown. "I-I don't know. But whatever happened, wasn't this."

My head begins to hurt worse from all the thinking. "Look, I don't feel good. Can we talk about this later?"

Zach sighs. "Whatever." He stomps out of the room. Iviva smiles at me apologetically. "Come along Lillie. Let Providence get a bit of rest."

Lillie frowns. "But, but I wanna stay."

Iviva opens her mouth, but I shake my head. "It's fine," I mutter.

Iviva looks uncomfortable and lingers for a bit longer, than leaves.

"Hello," Lillie giggles.

"Hello," I retort with a smile. I pat the bed, motioning for her to come up. Lillie hops onto the bed and smiles at me.

"Cousin?" She asks.

No, I'm sorry I'm truly not.

"Yeah, I suppose so." I giggle. I've always loved children.

"Who's your favorite Disney Princess?" I ask playfully.

"What?" She questions.

"You know, like a Disney Princess. Like Cinderella or Snow White?"

Lillie furrows her brows. "What? Are those Earth people's toys? We don't have that toys in here.


About an hour or so later, I was feeling much better. I got out of bed, still wearing the dress that Iviva had picked out for me, and walked out of my room. I wandered down a hallway and was greeted by a very tall girl. She looked about my age, but very peculiar. She had long black hair. When I say long, I mean, like, long. Her hair fell well past her knees. It was perfectly brushed and amazingly shiny. Her eyes were a stormy grey, and somehow relaxing. She had a skin like the color of cream and coffee and features were pointy, a pointy, but delicate, chin and nose, and big, pointy ears. She wore a silk toga and a golden headband and shoes.

"Hello," She said with a small wave.

"Hey," I respond. "Do you know where the queen is?"

"Yes, would you like me to lead you to her?" She asked with a little smile.

"Yeah, that'd be cool,"

She furrows her brows, but whatever she was confused about, she dismisses.

"What is your name?" She asks.


Her eyes widen and she gasps. "The Providence?"

"Um...I don't think so. Iviva seems pretty convinced though," I grin. "What's your name?"

The girl giggles. "Saffron, Child of the Elves."


"Oh yes, I'd forgotten. You aren't from here, if you are really Providence the Savior. I'm the princess of the elf tribe. Do you know what elves are?"

I examined her and decided she was defiantly a fairytale elf, not a Christmas elf.

"Yeah, I know what elves are." I say.

"Cool. Here's the dining room, Iviva should be in here." Saffron says. "Farewell, Providence the Savior." She does a little curtesy, and walks away.

"Bye!" I call after her, and walk into the Dining room. Iviva is playing a game of chess...with herself. "Providence,"She says, with out taking her eyes off the chess board. "We must talk."


I know it's 3 days late, but I told you it would be so yeah! My iPhone came, and It's awesome! I'm typing on it right now! Okay so SPOT THE WHOVIAN MOMENT! It's in there somewhere! Do you like Lillie? Do you think she is really Prov's cousin? Do you like Saffron? Do you think Prov is the savior? Sooooo byeeee!

Love, Amy!

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