Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When we finally reached the "palace", I was worn from punching the boy's back and pleading for him to let me go. My arms dangled helplessly and my eyes were half shut. My skin tingled from the "acid" and my shoulders were sore of sunburn. "We're here," He said wryly.

"Great," I responded with the same amount of attitude, although I was secretly glad. One more minute in this, well, acidic air and I probably would've passed out. The boy carried me up to the front steps, which were marble and elegant. The guard were dressed completely in white and held swords by their sides. The boy mumbled a few words and they let him pass, without making any attempt to save me. "Help me! This psycho kidnapped me!" I screamed, but it only earned me strange looks from the guards. I took a deep, dramatic sigh and narrowed my eyes. The doors to the palace opened, but from the position I was in I could not see it.

"Your majesty," The boy said.

A female voice then replied, "Let the poor girl go solider, she looks worn enough."

I smiled gratefully at her suggestion as the boy sat me down. "Thank you," I said, as I got a closer look at the young woman. She looked 25, 30 at the most. She sat on a golden throne. She wore a white dress that fell past her feet, and a golden tiara. Her pure blonde hair almost reached her knees and her eyes were an icy blue, but also very welcoming. I immediately recognized her as royalty, and did a curtsy. She smiled and nodded at the gesture, but I could tell that she was...puzzled.

"Take of your helmet, soilder." She said, and he removed it as instructed. I stared in awe as he took it off, revealing shaggy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a face I'd recognized anywhere.


"'s you..." I stuttered, my jaw dropping.

"Who are you?" Zach said and I gulped, remembering his letter.

When you meet me I will have not written this letter yet, so do not talk about it too much.

I still did not understand it, but Zach hadn't met me yet.

(AN: Michael Bublé starts playing: "I just haven't met you yet," XD)

I frown. "Never mind," I mumble, and he dismisses it.

"Zachariah, where did you find this girl?" The lady on the throne questions.

"My dear Queen Iviva, I found her against a tree in the Mildflower jungle," Zach says, and I assume he is speaking of that "acidic" jungle I woke up in.

"Dressed like that..." The queen starts, shocked.

"Err-yes, m'lady," Zach replies.

"What is her name?" The queen asks, pursing her lips.

"Providence." I say, placing my hand on my hip. "Providence Hyland."

The queen mutters something to herself, and her eyes widen.

"W-well, in that case, let's f-find you some new clothes," The queen says, standing up and gesturing for me to follow her. I furrow my brows, but follow the queen down a corridor anyways.

"I'll find you a bedroom, but meanwhile, you can borrow something of mine." The queen takes out a key and I gasp. It is the same key I have.

"Anything wrong?" Queen Iviva asks sweetly.

"N-no miss," I respond.

" is just fine, dear." She says, opening a door.

I nod and close my mouth shut as we enter the room. The walls and decor are white and gold, like almost EVERYTHING in the palace. She lead me to a huge walk-in closet. It seemed to last forever, and I started to wonder how many clothes the queen had. It must of been at least an hour before the queen decided on a dress. It had thick straps and fell to my knees. It was white lace on the outside, and silk on the inside, which made it quite comfortable. There was a big bow in the back.

"Try this on!" Queen Iviva squealed, and despite how annoying it was with her trying to find me new clothes, I was really starting to enjoy her company. After all, it was much better than Zach's. The dress did fit me nicely. The white color made me seem really tan, and I actually felt pretty. I twirled around in the mirror and observed myself. I redid my messy bun on the top of my head, and my look was complete. I skipped out of the room, when I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. "I-I don't feel so good," I muttered sitting down.

"That'd be the acid kicking in. Better get some rest, darling," She said. "And don't worry. You're skin may get a tad irritated, and you may feel like you are going to vomit, but trust me. You won't. Acid just likes to mess with you. Off course, if you were in that jungle much longer, you would be in trouble." The queen started to ramble as she lead me to a bedroom. I slipped into the heavenly bed and my head crashed against the pillow. I was too exhausted to think, so without even trying, I drifted off to sleep.


I woke to the sound of voices outside the bedroom. I turned on my side and listened in.

"Are you sure she's the one?" I heard Zach whisper anxiously.

"Positive," Replied Iviva.

"Which means,we have quite a bit of explaining to do. Our savior has come at last."



(Ewww, that sounds so gross lol)

How'd you like this chappie. Oh my, we're on chapter 8! *giggle*

In the next chapter, everything will be clear! What'd you think of Queen Iviva? The new Zach?

Bananas and Sonic Screwdrivers,




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