Chapter Four

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Natsu's Pov

Okay I will admit that was a little harsh but they don't get it. They don't get what its like...I felt a tug of my shirt/vest
It was Nashi. "I'm sorry....for what Nash said its okay I'm used to being treated like this at school so this is fine!" She smiled. I was surprised. "Say.....why are you kids alone.?" I asked. "Oh well......we didn't know our papa and momma was kidnapped...." She looked sad. I felt a mad aura and I saw Nash staring me down with the evil eyes. Its reminded me of Luce...

Nashi's Pov

I hopped over to Nash and sat next to him on the couch, since Natsu went to his room. "Whatcha thinking?" I asked. "Nothin....."
"Awe c'mon Nash tell me!"
"Fine..... I miss mom and you know who's a jerk and I just wanna crawl in a hole and die. I honestly think its the best thing for me now..." He said and sank into the soft couch. "Oh shut up Nash! You know were gonna find momma! And he's not a jerk I believe in him. He just hasn't opened up yet....." I trailed off and I heard Nash sigh. "Nashi.....I think he will never open up to us...." He said " NASH HE WILL OPEN UP TO US! I KNOW HE WILL EVEN IF I HAVE TO FORCE HIM!" I stood up, my feet sinking a bit into the couch and had determination in my eyes. I felt myself being lifted. "What makes you so sure there kid! Hahaha!" I heard papa say and I plopped on his shoulders. "HEY THAT'S MY SISTER!" Nash yelled. "And she's my HOSTAGE SO PRINCE NASH CAN BATTLE ME MUHAHAHAHA!!!" He ran down the hall with me still on his shoulders. I was laughing so much that I forgot about time was ticking and my tiredness went away.

~play the song above now~

Nash's Pov

I looked at something and then... AHA! I grabbed a long loaf of bread and chased after Natsu. I sneaked around the corner and saw Nashi sitting on his bed wrapped in blankets and surrounded by pillows. Natsu was peering over the bed and he had a plastic sword. I charged in and Natsu leaped over the bed. We started dueling until we heard Nashi clear her throat. She was standing on the bed and she had a long whip of licorice in her hands and there were several pieces tied so it was thick enough to get a good crack. "I CHALLENGE BOTH OF YOU!!" She yelled and slowly stepped off the bed which took her a blink of an eye really. She thrashed her whip and took me down and stole my bread in mid air."NOW THAT PRINCE NASH IS GONE I SHALL DESTROY THE PRINCESS!" Natsu yelled. " OR I WILL DESTROY THE DRAGON!" They started battling and Nashi won and Natsu didn't let her go off easily to easily. He thrashed his plastic sword until he couldn't anymore but he threw his sword and missed Nashi by a hair. "Time to end this!" She ran up to Natsu and thrashed her whip making Natsu confused and came from behind and stole his second sword he secretly had that he was going to use if he lost the other plastic sword. This was getting intense even I was sweating. She took the sword and stabbed the tip lightly in Natsu back and he fell to the ground."PRINCESS NASHI WINS AGAIN!" And she held up her plastic sword and bread which a part had been eaten by Happy after Nashi won. She then plopped on the ground sitting criss cross. "You guys can get up now." She let out a breath. We didn't respond. Payback time. "Guys...." She shaked me then Natsu. "Guys...!" He voice crack a little. We still didn't respond and she shaked harder this time. "GUYS!" She cried and shaked us vigorously. She stopped and rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands. "Guys......" Her voice was softer than a mouse. 3......2..........1! " BOO!" Me and Natsu screamed making Nashi jump and stick out her tongue at us. Since it was really late we all slept in Natsu's bed that night. I haven't had this much fun in ages

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