Chapter 6

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???? POV

This is terrible! The stupid Blondie gave away her keys. But to who? It was probably that kid around 10! He looks strong plus his little sister has the power to kill us all. We'll have to sneak those keys! We don't need all of them! Only her strongest should do... But those children. I pretty sure the son of the Devil Slayer is now friends with Blondie's daughter. Fighting all three is a death wish. But maybe...we could use the pinkett to our adventage...

Lucy's Pov

This stinks...One all I have to wear is potato rags, I'm barley getting fed, and worst of all..What if Nashi and Nash aren't safe yet. Nash I don't need to worry about but Nashi has so much power in her body. What if someone kidnapped her! I'm probably stressing...don't worry Luce...your just over reacting...Everything will be okay...

~Back to Nashi and Nash~

Nashi, Nash and Storm were walking around the center of town. Since Nash and Storm were old enough they could take Nashi. Natsu couldn't come cause Lisanna dragged him out but they were talking, probably going for a walk. Lisanna was jealous of the kids but she never dared to show it. If she did she'd lose Natsu, but she wouldn't mind, now anyways. Nashi got distracted and drifted away from Nash and Storm. "Hey little girl.." A faint voice called from in a dark alley way. "Huh?" Nashi swirled around and saw a women. She had dark purple, faded hair. Glowing green eyes and a dark crimson red cloak. Nashi didn't notice the wilting rose stitched with black yarn on the back. Nashi looked into the women's eyes and started moving her legs towards her. "Yes little girl...come here..." Her voice was sweet but her words were secretly dripping poison. Wasn't Nashi was fulling in the dark alley way and out of sight, the women grabbed Nashi and the hypnosis effects wore off. The women's hand was covering around Nashi's mouth muffling her cries for help. She was helpless. "Time to see your mother little girl!" And with that the women disappeared.

Nashi was taken to place she had never seen before. She noticed her clothes had turned into rags. She was barefoot too. She was being dragged into a place that was covered in moss and vines. It looked like old ruins. About a minute later she was in a dark room, lit by candles. The room was painted in different shades and types of blood. She saw a man. He was skinny, he had white hair and amber eyes. He was wearing a crimson red button up shirt with the last three buttons undone, he had black dress pants on and hunting boots. "Ashlyn, have you brought the correct girl?" The man asked the girl who was dragging Nashi. "Yes Mr. Fafnir" (A/N: If you guys have watched the anime Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid you'll know where I got the name from and if you haven't watched the anime, watch it, its a good one) " Okay, Ashlyn take her to Ms. Heartfilla's cell. We will keep her hostage there.". Fafnir said. Ashlyn melted dragging Nashi by the arm until we reached a certain cell. Nashi's eyes lit up when she saw the blonde women in front of her. "Momma!" She exclaimed. Nashi ran into the cage with the help of Ashlyn giving her push. Nashi hugged her mom and her mother hugged back. Nashi and Lucy started to cry. "N-Nashi are you okay? Where's Nash?" She asked frantically. "He's back in Magnolia, getting help hopefully.." Nashi said softly keeping her tears of happiness flowing. "He better get here soon..." Lucy said very softly so Nashi wouldn't hear. She didn't want to know why she was here...and she doesn't want her to know what might happen to Lucy...

A/N: HEY GUYS! Hope you had a good day and just wanted to let you guys know I might be starting a new story but I will be trying to upload more chapters in this story first since it's getting to all the good parts now. The new story is gonna be about fantasy and I had a dream about this story so why not make it a reality! Anyways, bye!

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