Chapter II: Godric's Hollow

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I am suddenly jolted awake by something shaking me. I look up to find mum looking down at me, motioning me to wake up.

I rub my eyes, looking out the window to get a better view, though scrunch up my nose in frustration as the windows were fogged up. I suddenly start to notice a sudden chill running up my body as the cold starts to get to me. I rub my hands along my arms to make myself a bit warmer.

Here in England, their winter was a bit chillier than ours in the USA. Or maybe that was just my way of saying I missed home.

I wiped the fogged up window and peer outside at the view. I'll admit though, England scenery did seem more fascinating compared to America. Or maybe I'm saying that because I'm so used to American scenery.

See! Now I've suddenly become so unconfident about my decisions.

Snow was falling from the sky and I must admit, I was never really used to the snow falling at this time of the year, normally in America, this is when the weather has started to become a bit humid.

We get out of the taxi and as mum pays the taxi man, I embrace myself in the snow that was falling, jumping on a pile of snow right beside me and making an angel.

"Why, hello dear, are you lost?" I open my eyes and see a quite fair looking lady looking down at me as I make an angel in the snow. I get a bit frightened and jolt up from my spot. I dust off some of the snow from my jacket and skirt. Surprisingly the lady comes up and helps me to dust off, I try to resist but stop as I realize she is only trying to help.

"Thank you," I mumble to her as we finish cleaning my clothes.

"You're welcome, dear. Now, where is your house? I can take you back before you get lost." I get a bit lost in her smile as she takes my hands in hers, rubbing them to make them warm. I was starting to freeze up, I just realized.

"Andréa! What are you doing? I thought I lost you..." Mum looks up at me and then at the lady who had found me.

"Myyy... Rosa, is that you?" Her British accent really brought out a nice 'touch' to mum's name as mum stops in her tracks, looking at the lady.

"Euphemia? Oh my gosh, Euphemia!!" Mum quickly forgets about her lecture on me and tightly embraces Dorea.

I have to admit, this is the first time I have seen mum genuinely happy to see someone other than me. Mum lets go of the lady and I can see that there is this sparkle in her eyes which really makes me feel happy for her.

"And this must be the famous Andréa you've always talked about." The lady now looks down at me with a heart warming smile and slowly embraces me.

"I was wondering who you were, sweetie. I didn't think that you were from here, given your American accent." I smile under the warmth of her jacket and I let go.

"So, you back to living here now?" Mum nods

"Yeah. My mother died yesterday so... I thought it was time that we came back." Euphemia's happy face suddenly turn upside down, in sympathy for nana.

"Oh, Rosa, I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay, 'Phemia, seriously, I'm fine." Yes. Fine, my big tush, mum.

Euphemia looks between mum and I as we awkwardly linger on the topic of nana's death.

"So where are you off to?" Mum asks Euphemia.

"Oh, I wasn't going anywhere. I just saw Andrea looking a bit odd standing here and so I thought I would check it out."

"'Phemia! That's dangerous. It could have been a Death Eater or a coy." Euphemia smiles sadly.

"So you've heard about them...?" Mum throws a grimace at Euphemia.

They suddenly notice that I am still standing there and quickly change the topic.

"I'll walk you to your house if you want. I've still got the key that you gave me before you left." Mum smiles at Euphemia and she leads us down the road.

"So what have you been up to lately? Gotten involved with any wizarding men in America?" Euphemia wiggles her eyebrows. Wizarding men? What was that supposed to mean?

"No 'Phemia! I've been looking after my little one." Mum brings me closer to her, almost making me trip up.

"Mum, what are wizarding men?" I look up at mum, who seems to be looking at Euphemia in a very 'help' situation.

"They are.... normal men. We just call them wizarding men because they can be a bit... complicating." She rubs my hair back form my face and at that moment I realize that there is something up, because mum never does that to me.

"Oh..." I pretend to go with it but I still remain curious.

"Well, we're here." I look ahead at the house that in front of me. It was big. I mean it wasn't as big as my original house at Rhode Island but it was big. I'm pretty sure it was the biggest building in the village.

"It's kind of rusty so you might need to clean up." Mum smiles at Euphemia's comment.

"I'll just have a rest for today. We just came from a flight and I am surprised that I have not fallen from the tiredness I have." Euphemia giggles, and I smile a bit.

"Well go and have some sleep then." Euphemia goes to walk away but stops.

"Hey, if you end up getting some rest, do want to have dinner with us? It would be nice to catch up." Mum looks at Euphemia surprised.

"Um, yeah sure, I'll let you know before noon. I'll just go and unpack." Euphemia smiles.

"And Andrea. I'm your Aunt Euphemia. So if you need anything, I just two houses down okay." I nod, waving her farewell before walking into the house.

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