Chapter V: I'm A What Now?

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After dinner, Aunt Euphemia had left to the kitchen while James, Mr Potter, mum and I move to the lounge. Inside I felt like vomiting as I had forced myself to eat, but I held it in. I also felt like running away from this place and never coming back, but I knew I couldn't. This was a part of who I was. 

There was a lot of explaining my mother needed to do.

As I sit on the couch, I watch as the others follow on sitting slowly after me. Silence fills the room and no really says anything until Aunt Euphemia comes in to join us.

"James, I think you should go to bed." James pouts at his mother who stands with her arms on her hips.

"But I don't want to-" 

"James, go now!" James frowns.

"But I want to stay here!" Aunt Euphemia looks at me as if asking for permission.

"He can stay. He doesn't want to go." Aunt Euphemia comes to sit down and I move so that she can come and sit next to mum. I didn't feel like sitting next to her at the moment. 


"What am I?" Mr Potter, or should I be calling him Uncle Fleamont, looks at me as if he was going to answer my question and I look his way.

"Andréa, you are... a witch." I nod my head slowly, already knowing the answer to this question, only asking to make sure her justifications were true. 

I look at mum who is sitting next to Aunt Euphemia, worried.

"And are you all... witches or wizards?" They all nod including James and I sit there shocked. 

"The symptoms of a witch normally happen at this age." Mum speaks up. "What you experienced is some 'accidental magic'. I never thought it would happen to you because you were never brought up to learn of the witch ways." 

Mum looks down at her lap. "I guess I was wrong."

I look at mum, still no emotions surfacing. "Why would you try to hide this from me?" 

Mum looks from Aunt Euphemia to Uncle Fleamont. It looked like they all knew something that I had not.

"After your father... left us, I was a mess. We loved each other a lot, but we were never able t have a normal relationship and I thought that our connection to the magic world was the fault for our breakup. That's why... I wanted to make sure you had a normal life."  I look at mum, some feeling of surprise. Mum never talk about dad. I asked once and after that I knew never ask again. Now I knew the real reason why she never wanted to talk about him.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you for not telling but I just... never wanted you to have a bad life." I look up at her and then at Aunt Euphemia, Uncle Fleamont and James who seems to be showing signs of sympathy for mum. 

"Though even though you're mother had a bad time as a witch with your father and everything else, that doesn't mean you will end up the same way." Uncle Fleamont says reassuringly. 

"This could be your moment to shine. Become something you thought you could never be. I mean you are a witch. For anyone, that is a gift." He smiles and I sit there a smile slowly stretching my skin. 

I stand up, a lot of emotions now finally running through me. 

"I think I should go home now and think this through. But, thank you for your words and help. Seriously, I feel a bit more clarified." I get up from the couch and walk to the front door, mum following closely behind. 

We walk home in silence and as we enter our own home, I head straight to my room, ignoring mum's attempt at trying to apologize. 

I had handled enough for today.

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