Chapter X: Meeting The Mischeivous

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James must have already headed in before me, I mean, he always was more on time than I ever was. I walk through the carriage nervously, hoping not to be caught by some older people who may take me as 'first-year bait'. With robes in hand, I make my mission towards the nearest bathroom I could find to change into my robes. Looking down at my feet, I power walk straight down the path when suddenly I bump into something causing me to rebound of the person, grabbing onto his robes for fear of falling.

I look up, half scared, half ready to kick the person's butt but stop when I see a really good looking guy staring down at me, his chocolate brown eyes ever so soothing to my hazel ones. When I recognize the goofy smirk on his lips, I quickly get up from my place and slowly back away from the guy. No one was really in the corridors of the train as everyone had already found a compartment so no one was thankfully seeing me suffer in my first year.

"Well, well. Looks like we got some first-year bait again!" Oh god! The guy nears me but is stopped by a voice not far.

"Kai! Leave the girl alone!" Kai turns around to observe the two boys with ginger hair standing in front of a compartment door, hands on their hips. Suddenly he laughs and the other boys join with him but they recover quickly looking over 'Kai's' shoulder to see me.

"Come and sit with us." One of the boys said.

"We won't bite." The other one adds and I look around. The rest of the compartments were already full.

"Unless you'd like to hang around the corridors, I suggest you cope with us throughout the ride." I sigh reluctantly following the boys into their compartment, taking the seat closest to the window on my right. As I sit, I turn my direction towards the window gazing out at the train's views trying my best to avoid the boys' bickering and sheer laughter over something she had not heard about.

"Hey." I jump slightly, as one of the ginger twins taps me on the shoulder, a sympathetic look replacing the goofy smirk on his face. 

"Sorry, about my brother and best friend. We... Sort of do this to some first years to make their first years miserable you know-" I turn back to the window, obviously realizing how much of a jerk this guy was. Like I asked for my first year to be miserable. It was already miserable enough.

"Wait!" I turn back around, the boy obviously persisting to talk to me. "I, I never really do this you know..." I raise an eyebrow. Do what?

He grumbles in frustration. "I've never really apologized for pranks. We always get away with what we do to people. But we didn't mean to hurt you."

He quickly adds that last sentence at the end. I look to find the other boys gossiping away their heads burrowed close together. I look back at the ginger boy, noticing how his freckles slightly complimented his pale skin, similar to his brother despite the difference in height.

"I'm Gideon. Gideon Prewett." The boys stop talking and look to see Fabian hold out a hand for me to shake.

"Gideon. Stop flirting with the girl. You're making her nervous." I glare at the other twin and shake Gideon's hand.

"Andrea. Andrea Griffin." The boys go pale and lean in closer to me, causing me to take shelter against the wall.

"Griffin? As in the lost Gryffindor bloodline?" I pretend I don't know anything, putting on the fakest puzzled face of my life.

"I don't know what you are on about." 'Kai' looked just as confused as I was but his confusion was more real at the moment compared to mine. The twins come even closer and I start to feel the lack of air reciprocating through my throat.

"It's okay. We already know about that bloodline. Our family has been in Gryffindor for quite a few generations actually. Well, mainly dad's side." I look between the twins cautiously as they await a reaction.

"So I guess you already know my mother then?" The twins look at me and laugh.

"Don't be too surprised. Everyone knows everyone here in England. Even if you have moved to a completely different country." I blush at the sudden remark of my foreign upbringing.

"Gideon has been so rude not to introduce his better looking brother. Fabian Prewett." I shake his hand slowly and look over to the black haired boy.

"Malakai Salvador. But you can call me Kai. My mother only calls me Malakai when I get in trouble." I smile at him though the moment is quickly interrupted when a knock on our compartment door is heard, an old lady waiting for us with a massive trolley of what I must assume was candy.

"Anything from the trolley, loves?" I peer over Gideon, taking a look at the content of the trolley. My eyebrows furrow in confusion at the unusual types of candy that were placed in the trolley. Gideon recognizes my confusion and laughs a little at my reaction.

"Are you telling me that you're brought up Muggle?" I look at Gideon and can't help but smile myself but playfully push the guy in the shoulder.

"My mother thinks that it's best to know how a Muggle lives. Also I never found out about my family or about being a bloody witch till I came here two years ago." Still leaning over Gideon to take a look at the trolley, I realize how close we are at the moment. We cough, breaking contact, me moving back to the window, while Gideon gives me some space.

"I guess... We could order you some to try if you like but I mean... We forgot our money-"

"It's fine. Here I've got heaps." I take out all of the shiny doubloons that mother had stuffed into my jean pockets for emergencies but I guess this could be considered an emergency.

"I don't know how or what type of coins they are, so go ahead and impress me." He smirks pushing his brother aside from the trolley to order what I must say, a whole dinner plate full of candy. Oh boy, oh boy, was I going to get a sugar rush.


"That. Was. Disgusting!" I spit out the already chewed Bertie's Flavored Bean as the taste of liver bites my tongue. The boys laugh at my disgust though Kai scrunches up his face at the same time causing us all to laugh at him.

"That was vomit." Was all he said before turning to the corner to spit out the contents of his already chewed bean into his hand. I lean into my seat, slumping down a bit at the amount of happiness overwhelming my body.

"So... Which one did you like the most?" Gideon nudges me and I put my hand under my chin, over exaggerating the fact of thinking.

"They're all too good. Sorry guys." The guys laugh and I look out the window into the now darkened sky. As I squint my eyes, I notice an enchanting silhouette gazing from the hill not far, fairy lights for interior lighting. I gasp at the sight in awe. The school was so big. I wonder how many people were actually attending?

"Are you guys first years?" The boys look between each other, an evil grin shared between each.

"We wouldn't have tormented you if we were. We're third years." Kai slaps my knee playfully.

"Don't worry, Andy. If you miss us, just give us a yell." Andy? Now that was something new.

"Um, thanks Kai." I say awkwardly. Kai recognizes my awkwardness from his nickname and chuckles slightly.

"Don't worry. The name will grow." I feel a smile rise on my face and I blush at his comment in which the boys even more. I stand up, dumping all the rubbish on my seat so that I don't mess up the floor.

"Leaving so soon?" Gideon raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we were just getting used to you." I shove Fabian in the shoulder.

"I should be glad I'm still alive after hanging with you guys." Now all of the boys had an eyebrow raised.

"I'm just going to change into my robes. I won't be long." The boys loosen at my last sentence and I take the chance to quickly exit before they change their minds. 

(A.N. Please feel free to leave a comment in the comment section. I would love to hear your thoughts on this story or maybe your own fancasts.)

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