Chapter XV: New Friends

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"Okay, that will be all for today, class. Remember, for homework read pages 100-110. I will be testing you tomorrow." 


After realizing that I had two classes of Herbology all in one go, I almost died. 

"Miss Griffin, Mr Diggory, a word please." I gulp. I had caused a bit of a havoc when I came into class. James wouldn't stop chatting to me and almost got the both of us in detention if it wasn't for my quick-witted answers throughout the class. 

James, speaking of the devil, turns around when my name is called and I urge him to go on without me. Reluctantly he goes.

"Miss Griffin. Mr Diggory. You two seem to be very interested in the fine arts of Herbology?" Oh if only she knew...

"Yes, Professor. My father works alongside the Ministry of Herbology society when he has free time at work. He always brings home different plants for me to keep." Amos Diggory was definitely a teacher's pet. Most likely because Professor Sprout was his house dean but still, a teacher's pet. 

"Yes, yes, Amos. I've heard so much about your father and his voluntary work. What about you Miss Griffin? Any inspiration?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I mean, plants are just like humans, right? They're all genetically coded differently but if you look at them as a whole their basically the same type of plant just with different ways to look after it." Professor Sprout's frown suddenly splits into a smile and I have to blink many times to ensure that she was actually smiling at me.

"Oh, I love the inspiration, Miss Griffin! I would have hoped you would have been in my House but sadly you are not... very well." She motions us to come to the back of the greenhouse.

"Do you know what this plant is?" 

"That is Dittany! Also known as a 'Burning Bush'." Professor Sprout nods in my direction.

"Quite correct, Miss Griffin. Can you tell me anything else?" I sigh.

"It is a herb, which can be used in potions to heal the wounded or raw when dealing with less severe cuts and bruises." Professor Sprout's smile widens as fast as Diggory's smile falls, and she walks around to put the plant away.

"10 points to Gryffindor! Excellent, Miss Griffin. I see a lot of potential in you. Oh yes, and you too Diggory." Diggory smirks in my direction and I can't help but roll my eyes. 

"You go have your break now. I'll see you tomorrow." 

I almost run out of the greenhouse as fresh air hits my face, relief overcoming my body.

"Hey!" I turn to the sound of the voice to find Diggory coming up next to me, sporting a cheeky grin.


"I didn't know you were so good at Herbology." I deliver a false smile.

"I didn't know you were such a teacher's pet." Diggory backs up a bit, stopping on the spot.

"Woah, I don't mean to be rude or anything. Just trying to make conversation." I stop as well, staring at him. He seemed genuine, I mean, he's ONLY teacher's pet. It's not like he's from an evil wizard family or anything...

"Sorry. I just got carried away. Let me start again." I hold out my hand.

"Hi! I'm Andrea Griffin." Diggory takes my hand and shakes it.

"Amos Diggory." 

"Nice to meet you. Would you like to be friends?" I add the last sentence sarcastically. 

"Come on, Griffin. I'm trying to be nice here." Amos puts his hands up in defeat. 

"I'm giving you a chance. I don't see what the problem is." Amos shakes his head furiously, regretting the decision to talk to me.

"Never mind, Griffin." At that, he walks off, and as I watch him go, I suddenly feel a pang of guilt in my stomach. I mean, Amos did nothing to me, I was just being horrible because... well... I don't know.

"Amos, wait! Look I'm sorry. I'm a jerk, okay." After a few seconds of his cold shoulder, he turns to me and smiles.

"It's okay. You want to grab something to eat?" 

"No actually, she's already occupied." I groan, looking to my left to find James and some newly founded lacks standing around him, all staring in our direction.

James then starts to walk our way and at that moment, I sympathize for Amos and the intimidation he was feeling whilst being ambushed by a bunch of Gryffindors.

"I suggest you leave, Diggory. Griffin doesn't hang out with teacher's pets." Sending an apologetic look at Amos' direction,  I turn to James, before Amos walks off in the other direction.

"What was that for James? He didn't do anything wrong!" 

"He did actually. He was trying to steal my best friend." I didn't know whether to be happy about that or even more enraged that I had lost a potential friend, but I just let James and his lackeys walk me to the Great Hall.

As we sit down, I recognize one of the lackeys and I jump off my seat as if there were ants in my pants.

"YOU?! James befriended you?" Sirius smirks in my direction as I gape at him in shock.

"For your information, Griffin, I am quite likeable." I roll my eyes, grabbing an apple and a chocolate chip muesli bar.

"Yes, we clearly saw that at the Sorting ceremony." His face darkens and I smirk in triumph.

James just flicks his head back and forth in our direction.

"How do you guys know each other already?" 

"We met at Madam Malkin's" Sirius replies with a sly smirk.

"Yeah, and he was horrible."

"Like that accent of yours." I get off my chair to attack him but James pulls me back down.

"Let me go, James! I really don't know how you be friends with this hypocrite!" I observe the other two boys that were seated next to Sirius, eyeing them out.

"I hope the other two are tolerable." One of the boys, his sandy hair resembling a bird's nest gets up from his seat, holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Remus Lupin. You bumped into me during the ceremony." Oh, I had completely forgotten about that!

"Yeah, I remember now! Nice to formally meet you." The other boy, quite quiverish with his buck teeth and buggy eyes.

"That's Peter Pettigrew. He's not really a talker." I nod my head in his direction oddly, and he returns it.

"What do we have next?" James looks through his timetable in his hand.

"Well, we have Transfiguration and then Potions." I groan.

"Great, how am I supposed to avoid yesterday's events if I have classes with the Head of Gryffindor and Slytherin?" I mutter to myself.

"It's not that big of a deal you know." I flick a quick glare at Sirius.

"What would you know of public humiliation? Aren't you like, a privileged pureblood or something?" 

"Yes actually. But my whole family has been in Slytherin, so you would wonder how they must have reacted after hearing that I was not only sorted into a different house," He gets off his seat and moves closer to my face to whisper the next part.

"but I was sorted into the one house that we've feuded with for thousands of years." I look into his grey eyes, which are now slightly streaked with a tinge of anger and... fear.

"Right, um, I didn't realize..." I put my head down in defeat as Sirius retreats to his seat. 

"Come on. We better get going before we're late." At that moment I shoot up from my seat and walk off before any of the guys could follow.

A.N Again sorry for the late write-up :(

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