Chapter VII: The Letter & Diagon Alley

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2 years later: 

February 26th, 1971

Snuggling myself into my bean bag with my favorite book series, 'The Hercule Poirot Chronicles',  floating in front of me, I sigh, at peace with my book. The nice warm breeze tickles my skin as I lay on the bean bag swiping my hand so that the pages could magically turn over. 

A sudden flutter is heard from my window, which causes me to loose concentration of the book, seeing it had collapsed on the floor. An owl, believe it or not, was sitting on my windowsill, it's beady eyes gawking at me. I motion my hand for it to 'shoo' but it just sits there, cocking it's head to one side. 

"Um, look Mr. Owl. I think you're in the wrong place." I laugh nervously. "I mean, unless I've done something wrong then you have come to the right place..." As I walk closer to the owl, I notice something that is tied to it's leg. 

"Oh did you come to deliver this to me then?" I slowly go up to the owl and untie the string from it's leg before quickly grabbing the letter of it. The owl coos and I giggle a little as it hops on the window sill. 

"Do you want some food? You must have come a long way." I grab some of the muesli bar that I was eating, breaking it into little pieces, putting out to the owl in my hands. The owl looks at me cautiously and I move my hand closer, motioning for it to eat. 

It eventually pecks the muesli pieces of my hand and pet the owl slowly with my other hand.

With a satisfying 'hoot' it flies away into the air again, gliding it's way into the clouds. 

"I wonder what could be on the letter..." I ask myself as I walk up to my dressing table.

Reading the envelope, I gasp at my name and address at the front of the envelope:

Andréa Griffin

24 Church Lane

Godric's Hollow

West Country

"Mother!" I jog downstairs to my mother who was in the kitchen making lunch as the usual. Mother looks up from her bowl of salad, staring at me but notices the letter in my hand. 

"You got it?" I slowly nod and she drops her knife, wasting her hands before bringing me to the lounge and we both sit on the couch. 

"Go on. Open it." I peel of the stamp and take out the letter, reading it through.

'... you have been accepted to Hogwarts School Of  Witchcraft and Wizardry-" 

Mother squeals and pulls me into a tight and I smile as well, happy at the news that I had been waiting to hear for the last two years. 

I get up from mother's grasp. "Can I go and tell James?" Mother nods.

"Go ahead." I squeal and run out of the house towards the big building opposite my house. Going around the house into the backyard, I find James on his broom, zooming around his yard. He sees me coming his way and stops, getting of the broom. I don't know what I was thinking but I run up to James and hug him really tight, squeezing him to death.

"James, guess what?! I GOT IN!" James doesn't say anything and looking up, I realize that he was suffocating. I let him go and he coughs, putting his hands on his knees. 

"Sorry." I mutter. He recovers and smiles though, tackling me in a less suffocating hug.

"I'm so happy for you! I just really want my birthday to come soon." I giggle.

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