Chapter XVI: Seeking Comfort

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A.N. I have come to the decision that Oliver and James Phelps would be the perfect reflection of Gideon and Fabian Prewett. I tried to find some others but they just didn't match. Oh and also I think I envision Malakai (Kai) as Colin Morgan. He's a British actor on the show, Merlin.

After exhausting and long hours of turning matchsticks to needles in Transfiguration, then making James dancing wildly with the 'Tarantellegra' charm, I drop down onto the dinner table.

Bowls and bowls of food magically appear in the middle of the table and I gasp in awe. 

There. Was. So. Much. Food.

"From what I've heard, all the leftovers go to the dwarfs that make the food." I turn to find Gideon sitting next to me, along with a tired looking Fabian and Kai.

"Dwarfs? What dwarfs?" Fabian smirks.

"We can introduce you to them after dinner. If you're not scared of course?" I roll my eyes and reach to push Fabian playfully. 

"I would fall for your ego hurting words, but I'm actually quite exhausted after today." At that moment, a yawn erupts from my mouth.

"Are your classes that bad?" I shake my head.

"It's just a lot to take in that's all..." 

"You'll get used to it, Andy," Kai says as he passes me the roast potatoes. I raise my eyebrow at the nickname which I had finally just noticed.

"Now that I remember, what's with the nickname?" Kai throws his head up from his food, potatoes half out of his mouth.

"If you don't like it-"

"No, it's just... unusual." Kai shrugs as he swallows the rest of the potatoes.

"It's just easier to slip out instead of Andrea." I nod my head, not knowing whether to be overly fond of that comment.

"Andrea, stop talking to yourself," James mentions deviously from the other side of me, turning to find me talking to the twins and Kai.

"Replaced us already have you now?" I shove him.

"Noone can replace you, James Potter," I mention with a lace of sarcasm.

"This is Gideon and Fabian Prewett. And that's Malakai Gordon." The boys wave at James and his expression slightly saddens.

"I've heard of you guys. Aren't you the school's pranksters?" The boys straighten up in pride. Oh god...

"Yes, we are. Need an excuse to ditch class? Getting revenge on an enemy? We're the right people to call." I roll my eyes.

"You guys sound like those Muggles advertising on the telly." 

Fabian glares at me.

"We take our work very seriously, Andy. If you do not like it then just step aside." James chuckles.

"Andy?! That's hilarious." I elbow him.

"It's just a nickname, James. Geez." He raises his eyebrow.

"And besides James, it's not like after a few long years of knowing me, you've ever been so kind as to give me a nickname." James doesn't reply.

"Cat got your tongue?" James huffs before turning back to Remus and the other boys, all in whom give me a grin of triumph.

"You shouldn't be destroying egos like that, Andy," Kai calls out.

"That could be a motive for a prank." I smile gleeful, leaning my head on Gideon's shoulder.

"Well that's when you guys will swoop in to save the day, isn't that right Gideon?" He looks down and smiles that cheeky grin his brother and him share.

"You know it!" I get up, feeling the sudden urge to fall asleep. 

"Woah, Woah! Where do you think you're going?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Since when do you care about where I'm going, Black?" 

"I'm just trying to be a good best friend, that's all. You know?" Biting my lip in annoyance, I walk off anyways to the Gryffindor common room.

"Hey wait up! We're coming too." The rushing of feet becomes louder as Gideon, Fabian and Kai follow up behind me.

"Guys, I'm going to bed. I don't get why you would want to follow me..."

"Is Black becoming annoying?"

"Do you want us to do anything to him?"

"Ooo, we could drop itching powder in his pants. Imagine how itchy he would be the whole day..."

"Or we could pull the spider prank from last year. He MUST be scared of spiders-"

"GUYS, STOP!" I stop at the staircase in front of the Fat Lady, who is just oogling down at us.

"So you don't like those ideas?" Fabian pops out.

"I mean, we could think of something else-"

"I just want some sleep. Please." I turn to the Fat Lady.

"Dittany." The door opens and I look at the boys guilty.

"Look, I love the support. But I, I just need some sleep. Okay." I blow them all kisses before closing the door and heading up to the dormitory.

Changing into my PJ's, I jump into bed but before I zone out, a voice pulls me out of my trance.

"Boys can be so annoying." I turn to find Lily lying in the blankets, faced in my direction.

"Tell me about it." After a moment of silence we both giggle.

"I guess we just have to get used to them then," Lily says and I nod, somewhat comforted by Lily's words.

"Yeah." We just stare at each other in more eerie silence.

"Goodnight then." Lily turns around to turn her lamp off.

"Goodnight," I reply.

I guess this whole time I wasn't really seeking a place to sleep, I was just seeking comfort. 

And I got it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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