Chapter IX: Kings Cross Station

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September 1st, 1971

I had to admit, my first visit to Diagon Alley had to be one of the best days I had experienced throughout my time in England. And I swear my days had gotten better after that. James was a bit disappointed at the fact that he wasn't able to come with me but I assured him that he hadn't missed much. Though I didn't tell him about Sirius. He would probably agree or throw some great comments on Sirius' actions against me.

A blasting sound explodes beside my bed and I groan slightly, stretching my hand out from its' comfortable position to press the alarm shut. I flip around, burying my face back into my pillow, slowly falling back to sleep.

"ANDREA ROSALIND GRIFFIN!! GET UP NOW!" I jump in shock at the sudden burst of the bedroom door opening, causing me to fall off the corner of the bed in which I was sleeping, landing a painful THUD! I now groan in pain, pushing off the ground to get up, rubbing my head and the rest of my body that was in pain.

"Oh. Sweetie, are you alright?" Did I look alright mother? I quickly groan to signal that I was still breathing. 

"Oh, that's good. Now come on! We have to leave at 9 and it is already 8. Don't forget Uncle Fleamont is dropping us in his car before going to work so we have to get a move." Oh right. 

Today was the day that I was finally going to Hogwarts and I had to admit, I was excited. Despite mother's constant commands, I had managed to have already read all of my Hogwarts books, most of the information stuck on my brain. I guess I should work on getting deadlines and urgent reminders stuck on my brain too, that might make mother's life a bit easier. I quickly get up from the ground having a shower before changing into my Muggle clothing. I wish I could have changed into my robes but we had to blend in with the rest of them who weren't so 'magically gifted'.

I stumble down the stairs, still half asleep, making my way to the dining table, where a bowl of my favorite cereal was waiting with some milk, a bowl and a spoon. I silently thank mother for her organized nature and sit down on the table to be greeted by James, who tends to look a bit more fresh than I, munching on his toast and jam.

Aunt Euphemia and him got to stay the night at ours as Uncle Fleamont held a meeting at their house and they didn't want to distract him. He looks at me weirdly, pointing to my hair.

"Someone woke on the wrong side of the bed." I lift my hand to my head to find I still hadn't combed my hair. Nuts! I move to get off my chair but a pair of hands push me back down.

"Eat, Andrea. We are already running late." As I fill my mouth with cereal and milk I feel my hair becoming less knotted and more loose on my head, now lying softly on my shoulders.

"Thanks mum." I mumble with cereal in mouth, consuming it as quickly as I could.

"It was lucky I made you pack your luggage last night. Otherwise we would have been extremely late, as per usual." I roll my eyes and James catches me, smirking slightly at my annoyance.

Suddenly, a beep is heard from outside the house and we all jump up to our feet, hustling to get our things to the door.

"Andrea. Ask Uncle Fleamont to help you with your luggage. I'll just quickly clean up the kitchen." I nod and take most of the light things, following James and his mother to a very small but modest looking car. James and I quickly hop into the back of the car, leaving space on the left for mum or Aunt Euphemia to drop by next to us. As soon as James' parents have packed our luggage, they both come to sit at the front smiling at us from the rear mirror.

"You kids ready?" James and I nod excitedly. Uncle Fleamont looks out nervously at our porch and toots the horn.

"Come on Rosa!" Mother quickly waddles to the car and shuts the door behind her. She pats a hand on my back, looking at me in what I could possible conclude to be a very proud expression.

"You ready, love?" I nod and Uncle Fleamont drives us for the next 2 hours.

We arrive and Kings Cross and I must say, the station was enormous. And I was pretty sure they could hide a secret train station behind this if they could. The parents pack our suitcases into the trolley and we run to some place down the pathway, following Aunt Euphemia hastily.

"What's the platform number?" I ask James while puffing out from the jogging pace we were moving at.

"9 and 3/4." I raise an eyebrow at James' answer though shrug it of as a joke as we follow Aunt Euphemia to Platform '9 and 3/4'

"Come, come James. You too, Andrea. We only have 15 minutes tell the train leaves so we need to hurry." We stand in front of a curved wall in the middle of Platform 9 and 10. I'm starting to think what James had said may have been right. "Kids, we are running in together now. Hold my hand." James and I hold each hold Aunt Euphemia's hand and suddenly we are running towards the wall in front of us. I try and skid to a halt but Aunt Euphemia drags me and I just close my eyes, praying to someone that I do not die today.

As I prepare for the impact of the wall on my face I cautiously open my eyes to find myself in one piece, first of all, but in a completely different place from where we had been. A hidden train station had hit my sight and I congratulate my theory of there being a secret platform in the train station. People of all ages hustled about in a big crowd trying to get onto the train and say their last goodbyes as they depart each other for quite some time.

A whirring of tires comes from behind and I look to find Uncle Fleamont and mother rolling our luggage towards us, pushing past to go and give them to some elf looking creatures. I look in front of me to find an enormous train parked in the railway, steam blowing off the top of the chimney as the words, 'Hogwarts Express' glistened in gold. My mouth slightly opens at the majestic sights. If this is how the train station looked like imagine how the actual school looked like. Mother and Uncle Fleamont come towards us and we all quickly hug each other farewell, Aunt Euphemia welling up a bit.

"Oh, look at you two! You were only so small-"

"Mother, stop! You're embarrassing us!" I giggle at James' remark and we slightly part, to say our personal goodbyes.

Mother kneels down in front of me and the look she was giving me showed that she had something serious to say. Mother places a hand on my right shoulder looking at me with very wistful eyes.

"Andrea. I know I haven't been much of a great influence on you for the wizarding world." Her grip tightens on my shoulder and I grimace slightly.

"But I want you to know that whatever you do in that school, I will support you all the way. I know you are going to make all the right choices and be the person you truly are." Now where was this coming from. Mother must have noticed the raised eyebrow and she scowled playfully hitting me.

"I am serious, Andrea. And if you have any problems or anything you want to talk about you can always send an Owl to me or your Aunt and Uncle, okay?" I nod and quickly embracing her in a tight hug to avoid anymore talk from her.

"Mother. What if I don't end up in Gryffindor... Like you?" Mother slowly lets go of the hug and looks at me with... Something proud.

"Sweetie. When I was your age, I never knew if I was going to be in Gryffindor like my mother and father. The whole family put me to shame and made sure that I grew up to become an excellent Gryffindor." mother sighs. "But if you don't end up being in Gryffindor, that's okay. I already know you are going to make me proud." She buries my head in her chest, the soft fabric of her blouse on my skin. She lets go of me and we both look happily into each other's eyes, though hers were rimmed with ready made tears.

"Mother! Don't cry! It's embarrassing!" I hiss at her and she laughs. Suddenly, a horn rings out into the platform and the train starts to make a funny sound.

"Quick, Andrea. Get on the train!" I get on the train and hold on to the railing waving out to Mother.

"I'll send an owl every second day to check up on you. Have fun!" I smile, waving at mother as the train starts to move, the sight of mother becoming less and less clear. I wave in her direction until she is out of my sight and I decide to head inside the train. 

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