Chapter XI: Hogwarts At It's Finest

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As I get out of the lavatory, I feel the train come to halt. I sigh in annoyance of not seeing the boys again as I head out of the train, making sure not to get caught in the crowd following behind. 

Fine, I'll admit they have grown on me. But just a bit. 

As I hop off the train, I realize that I am actually the first person out of the train. When I look back, I see other students still conversing with old friends or new acquaintances blocking the exit out of the train for the others who were getting out. Suddenly a cold chill grazes my bare skin, causing me to rub my hands up and down my arm rapidly.

As I do this, a loud roar boom near the end of the train, causing me to look back. 

"Firs' years! Firs' years, over 'ere!" I nervously gulp as I realize the height of the roaring figure. Not far ahead stood a heavily bearded man with about the same amount of hair on the head. He towered beside the train, almost the same height.

Walking slowly towards him, being one of the first, he turns to look down at me and he smiles, a few of his teeth yellowing. 

"'Ello. You mus' be Miss Griffin, then?" How is it that everyone knows my name? This really was a small world. I nervously nod and the giant man smile widens. 

"Ah, I 'member yer mother. Rosa. She was great. An amazing friend. In my classes not long ago before I-" He stops mid-sentence as if he had said too much. I smile slightly at his acknowledgment of mother, not wanting to disappoint him or mother, at this rate.  

I stand there quietly for the rest of the time spent waiting for the other first years to arrive, most in which had already made successive friends. 

"Alrigh', alrigh! Let's go! Come on!" We follow the giant man through a narrow path, gossip following into the night as we stop at the sight of a very dark lake, reflecting the stars in the sky. The lake managed to get out a few 'ooh's' from the crowd including mine at the mysterious lake that carried wooden boats awaiting our arrival. 

"No more'n four in a boat!" The kids push past me to get to a boat, one girl, in particular, tried to purposely make me fall over, making me stumble though not fall. I glare at the girl who gives me a malicious smirk, in which I return with a darker glare. 

"Come on, Andrea! Get on a boat!" The giant man picks me up by both my shoulders and drops me into a boat with a red headed girl and a pale-faced boy. It took me a lot of courage not to scream as I was being lifted into the air and plopped back down. I smile shyly at the boy and girl and got very different reactions from both. 

"Everyone in? Okay then - FORWARD!" A jolt of the boat meant that the boats were moving. Me being such a klutz almost falls off my seat as the boat moves, earning me a glare from the pale-faced boy. 

I turn my focus towards the vast castle ahead of us, windows gleaming in the night. As we got closer the castle becomes more large, towering over us with its mysterious persona, the many towers pointing into the night.

"Look Sev! We're finally here!" The red-headed girl says to the pale boy, 'Sev'. When the girl notices me looking she smiles slightly at me then blushes before looking, the boy still glaring at me. What was with him?

"Heads down!" The giant man yells at the first row causing everyone from the front to the back to put their heads down, like a domino effect. We pass a drape of ivy covering a dark tunnel of a cave, which looked like some sort of secret passageway to Hogwarts. 

We land on a gravel harbour and slowly all of our space onto the gravel, awaiting the giant man not far away. As he lands on the gravel, he walks over to a door half his height and with his gigantic hand, gives three distinct knocks.


The door opens, revealing a tall, dark-haired witch, with what I may say a stern face sitting on her uniform of black robes. She didn't look like someone you would mess with. 

"Firs' years, Professor McGonagall." 

"Thank you, Hagrid." Professor McGonagall opens the door wider for us as we file into the massive entrance hall that awaited us. I wave Hagrid goodbye watching him disappear in my vision before the door slammed shut.

The entrance hall was beautiful. Built-in colours of gold and royal colours, the entrance hall I could say was bigger than my house. As we walk with Professor McGonagall down the hall, I could just hear buzzing sounds coming from the big door up ahead. Looks like the other kids were already here. I wonder how many of them there were?

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall pronounces as we stop in front of the big doors, which remained closed. 

"Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin." I gulp as she mentioned Gryffindor, a high expectation lying on my shoulders.

"Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking and you will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."  She steps back, opening the big doors slowly.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." We follow her through the treacherous hallway of the Great Hall, forming a straight line.

I manage to grab a glimpse of Gideon, Fabian and Kai on the table closest to my right, whom promptly put their thumbs up with their goofy grins. 

The Great Hall contained long table after long table with wooden benches and goblets and plates waiting to be filled by food that was nowhere to be found. 

This place was genuinely amazing!  

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