Sebastian Chapter 2

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His breath starts to quicken, heart pounding as he bounds up the stairs, and burst through the door. I just have to get to the roof he repeats to himself. After dashing up several flights of stairs, he reaches the big metal door that has the word roof printed on it in big white letters.

He slams through the door pushing it shut behind him immediately. He breaks off the handle trying to buy himself time. Once he has broken the handle off he pauses on the roof top, gulping in air trying to steady his breathing.

Then the door swings open with a bang. Here we go, he thinks. He turns to see two large men with broad shoulders, and menacing features. What creeps, he thinks. The man on the left is missing an eye, and the man on the right has scars that cover his face both are tall and bulky, and holding guns in there scarred hands.

"Hey boys," he says with a smile, but underneath his nerves are shaking as much as an earthquake.

"Pots erehw uoy era," the man with the missing eye says with a thick drawkcabian accent. In English he said something along the lines of "Stop where you are."

"So your drawkcabian? That's cool," Sebastian says nodding his head, slowly backing towards the edge of the roof.

"Sereht ona erehwe rof uoy ota oga," the scar faced man said. This means "There's no where for you to go." Well, at least that's what they thought.

Thinking back to his training, Sebastian says, "hctac ema fia ouy nac," in perfect drawkcabian. In English he had said, quite confidently, "Catch me if you can."

He flashes one of his mischievous grins, turns, and sprints the rest of the way, and throws himself off the roof. "See ya suckers," he screams as he leaps into the air. Then he lets out a joyful whoop.

He starts to fall the moment his feet leave the ground. The wind rushes past him, blowing through his dark brown hair. He basks in the feeling of weightlessness, without a care in the world. Then, the ground starts to draw near, but he doesn't have the slightest sense of fear. In fact it is the exact opposite, he seems relaxed, and at ease. He wears a cool, confident smile, only one that he could wear. The perfect fearless smile that could put anyone at ease.

      The ground is only a few feet away, and getting closer by the second. He checks his pocket, before he gets close to the ground, for the item he collected from the two drawkcabian men. It's as he draws closer that the broken side walk below opens into a large, gaping hole with blue light streaming out of it  like a waterfall. Then Sebastian starts to laugh a radiant, joyful laugh, his bright green eyes twinkling as he tumbles through hole head first. The hole that leads him into the unknown.

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