Chapter 11: Adjustments😕

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Mateo pov💦:

It's been 3 weeks since Ayleo's incident and he's been acting strange. Ever since the day after he got discharged hes been acting different he barely talks to me he doesn't say good morning or any of that stuff anymore its like hes trying to avoid me. If he's sitting on the couch and i sit next to him he either scoots away or gets up and sits somewere else but he talks to everybody else just not me I don't know if I've done somthing wrong but I don't like this at all . hes in his room as usual he gets up goes to the bathroom does his routine or whatever gets food then doesn't come out of his room for like 8 hours staight unless people are over. And i wanna know who hes texting on that daam phone all day 24/7 hes on it laughing giggling and bitting his lip and shit I asked him yesterday and He didn't even look up his eyes were glued to his screen and he just said he was texting dad but I know he's lying .

Malik , Renz and my future hus...........
Zaya is here and we just chilling on the couch Renzell is all cradled up in Malik's arms they been dating for a year now and everybody was all happy and shit congratulating them but fr they are the cutest Zaya always tryna do stuff like that but im to self concious so we only be kissing and stuff when it's just us but Malik and Renz they make sure everybody know about them two.

My head is in zaya's chest and his left arm is wrapped around my body and his other is playing with the twists I just did in my hair I slapped his hand away.

Me: " Nigga stop playing with my twists you gonna mess them up ".

Zaya💦💕🌎❤😩: " Nigga chill its not like it hurts or nothing ".

Me: " yeah but you gonna mess them up and i just did them so stop playing with them Bitch ".

Renz👲👀👬💙👊: " Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning ".

Me: " Renzell shut the fuck up ".

Malik😂💪👬💸: " Aye don't come for my man is you tryna get a slap ".

I huffed in annoyance.

Zaya💦💕🌎❤😩: " Mateo what's yo problem you been and angry and bugging today ".

Renz👲👀👬💙👊: " Are you on your period you want me to pick you up some pads ".

Me: " Boi if you don't shut yo dumb ass up I'm really finna pop on yo ass I am not in the fucking mood ".

I said standing up then he got up to

Renz👲👀👬💙👊: " Square up nigga dafuq ".

Zaya💦💕🌎❤😩: " I think the fuck not sit yo ass down ".

He said grabbing my arm and pulling me back down.

Malik😂💪👬💸: " Renzell you ain't finna fight nobody other than this dick so sit down "

Malik said as he grabbed Renzell's arm.

Zaya💦💕🌎❤😩: " Can you just tell us whats bothering you cause ain't nobody in here tryna deal with your stank ass atitude today "

I sighed and leaned back.

Me: " Ayleo stupid ass is avoiding me ".
Malik😂💪👬💸: " why what did you do ".

Me: " Nothing that's the thing ".

Zaya💦💕🌎❤😩: " well I mean you must of done somthing for him to be avoiding you ".

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