Chapter 14: Trust issues❌

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Ayleo's pov:


Bitch😑: " You heard me...I was spying on you ".

Me: " What the fuck......why ".

Bitch😑: "'ve been acting all secretive lately..being shady hiding stuff and you always on that damn phone and now
...I know why ".

Me: " Aint nobody in here acting shady you right im always on my phone...I pay for it you ain't paying no bills so why you complaining and this is exactly the reason why I been hiding stuff...nigga what's wrong with you ".

Bitch😑: " That's not the issue GCO- ".

Me: " No the issue is you ain't had no fucking right to go through my stuff like that read my messages and go on all my apps ".

Bitch😑: " Well I do if I'm worried and my questions are left unanswered ".

Me: " No you feel like you do since your not getting any of my attention....what you need to understand is your not my priority Mateo ".

He smacked his teeth and I rolled my eyes at him trying to keep my cool as I was beyond pissed.

Bitch😑: " Mmmkay first of all I'm not an attention seeker and I DO NOT WANT to be your priority but yours should be watching yourself when going out with fucking strangers ".

I shook my head

Me: " Your pathetic you know you really think I'm dumb enough to spend the day with a complete stranger unlike you I have sense. I know him personally and we are acctually good friends for your information ".

Bitch😑: " Oh really so what's his full name then ".

Me: " Bl......actually that's none of your business ".

Bitch😑: " don't know we're the fuck he been and you hanging around with him you might catch sum im doing you a favour ".

Me: " First of all im not your bro anymore...cause bros don't do shit like that and second of all how fucking dare you. I do know we're he been and he aint got nothing ".

Bitch😑: " But if he got anything he wouldn't tell you would he but you to mother fucking blind to see...the nigga just want dick and money ".

Me: " You know what hes actually really nice. He's caring he listens and when I'm sad or upset he knows how to make me feel better kinda like you.........before the fame for to your head ".

Bitch😑: " Ayleo you know damn well that's not true so you need to stop throwing round false accusations ain't no fame or nothing got to my head but I don't know what's in your head that you can't see the nigga don't want you he want yo money and and sex ".

I huffed I was fuming by now.

Me: " Ok imma need for you to shut the fuck up because he don't want dick and he don't want my money were not even in a relationship like that were just friends and I don't need my stupid little brother poking around in stuff that don't concern him ".
Bitch😑: " No how bout you shut the fuck up and listen to me that's how it will start out aww yeah just friends and we can already see by the instant defence of him you crushing then he gonna pretend he wanna move things forward GCO -

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