Chapter 15: Just let it out👋🏽

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Double update😁


Ayleo's pov:

I sighed as I stepped out of the house and hung my head low and walked to the elevator. When it opened I walked in and banged my head on the wall.

Me: " Can't anything  ever be in my favour is that so much to fucking ask ".
I screamed. I'll admit I regret slapping him I promised him that I would never lay my hands on him again and I'm sorry for that but he deserved it after all he did punch me weather he meant to or not im more disappointed than angry I never though he would do something like that and break our bro code that shut hurt.......

I walked through the front entrance doors to Blake's car and put my stuff in the back and got in.

Blake💦🌎🙈❤👀: " Leo...GCO-

Me: " I don't wanna talk about it can we just go ".

Blake💦🌎🙈❤👀: " A..Alright when your ready we can talk ".

He sighed. I know hes just concerned but I really don't want to talk to anybody right now.

*🚘20 mins later🚘😔*

I got out of the car and  grabbed my stuff as soon as we reached his hotel. We got in the elevator and it was silent but I could see him staring at me from the side. When we finnaly got to his room he opened the door and I walked in and put my stuff on the sofa.

Blake💦🌎🙈❤👀: " Ayleooooooo ".

I ignored him and looked the other way so he came and stood infront of me.

Blake💦🌎🙈❤👀: " Leoooooo ".

I smiled inside I secretly love when he calls me Leo it gives me butterflies.

Blake💦🌎🙈❤👀: " Ayleo Bowles you can't keep ignoring me and giving me the silent treatment...I haven't even done nothing ".

He said pouting and flopping on the sofa I sighed.

Me: " I'm not ignoring you I just.....don't wanna talk.

Blake💦🌎🙈❤👀: " Well can you at least tell me what happened ".

I sighed and flung my head back .

Me: " He went through my phone ".

Blake💦🌎🙈❤👀: " Well I could of just been a minor missunderstandi..GCO-

Me: " He downloaded a spying app went on my phone , read all my private messages and emails , went through my camera roll and thoroughly seached every other app that I have ".

He was silent for a bit I guess he didn't know what to say.

Blake💦🌎🙈❤👀: " M..maybe he had a good reason ".

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 | 𝐀𝐲𝐨 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐨 {𝐁𝐱𝐁}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat