4. My Hero

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• Y/N's POV •

At five in the morning my alarm went off for me to wake up. I had planned to but since I was tired and lazy as fuck I turned the alarm off and slept until six. Today will just have to be casual.

When I woke up I had over three hundred notifications from the group chat. When did they sleep? I decided that I should at least check out what they said.

Basically, it was just talking about video games and how Nicholas and Chosen couldn't make it to the meeting. Then they asked why I wasn't answering. Bitch, I was asleep. I texted that to the group chat and got up to get ready.

It wasn't they type of day to where something extra so I just through on a Guns N Roses shirt with some dark pants. Simple. After my makeup, I put on my shoes and went downstairs.

"Well hello, sunshine" My aunt said.

I just groaned in response. Not a morning person.

"Oookay, so do you want some waffles?"

I ran to the table and sat down. Fuck yeah. Waffles. I took three waffles off of the stack in front of me and covered them in syrup. After I ate I grabbed my bag and started my walk to school.


On my way to school I saw the car Wyatt left in yesterday out of the corner of my eye. I didn't try to avoid it because I wanted to see him again. The only problem was when it pulled up. There was no Wyatt inside.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing outside alone?" He asked. Already pissing me off.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe trying to get an education?"

"Fiesty. Interesting. Well if you want a ride I can get you to this education faster. I go there to."

"I'd rather walk."

"C'mon babe. That's not the right answer."

At that point I stopped and turned to him.
"I'm not your BABE. And I'm saying no which means NO. So maybe you should leave me alone and get to school faster because if you don't understand that, then you really need to be there."

"No need to be a rude bitch." He said, getting out of the car. I was getting pretty scared but I wouldn't show it.

"I was just trying to be nice and give you a ride. Instead, you wanted to be a rude little hoe and don't think I'll just set that to the side." He continued while walking towards me. Just as he was about to be right in front of me, Wyatt got between us.

"Hey, Jonah. I see you met Y/N. That's nice but we're gonna walk to school now. Goodbye." He said, grabbing my hand and taking me away from the monster I now know as Jonah.

"Who the fuck is that and why'd you leave with him yesterday?" I questioned.

"That's my cousin, Jonah, and my parents were busy so they asked him to get me. They don't know how much of a dick he is. I'm sorry." He explained

He was still holding my hand after we'd gotten far away from Jonah, but I wasn't complaining.

"What was he about to do?"

"I-I don't know what he was about to do. That's why I wanted to get you out of there as fast as I could." He said before squeezing my hand. I couldn't help but smile at that. I needed something to calm me down then.

"Well, thanks for saving me, Mr.Oleff."

He puffed out his chest like a cartoon and said "T'was my duty, m'lady." Making me giggle at is weirdness.

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