18. Remember?

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  What the hell, I thought. My eyes were closed but I could see pink through my eyelids from the lights shining down on me. I groaned and attempted to cover my eyes. My wrist was pulled back by something and I squinted to see that I was in a hospital room.

But how did I get here?

"Y/N? Miss, are you awake?" A young man asked me with a concerned look on his face. He was wearing semi-casual clothing with a doctors jacket unevenly on his shoulders. He looked like he was in his teenage years with his pink cheeks, but he still had the brown eyes of a busy man who's seen a lot. 

"I'm Dr.Herron. Do you feel okay?"

I was still trying to adjust to the light but I realized he'd asked me that a times already.

  "Yes, I feel fine. I'm just very confused. What happened to me?" I asked him.

  He gave a small smile before answering.

  "That's what we'd all like to know. Apparently, you were found passed out with a severe nosebleed. Have you been anywhere very cold, perhaps?"

  I tried to think back to a time I was very cold and remembered that the Nerds and I had played in the rain recently.

  "I was outside in the rain, but I never got a cold or anything?" My statement came out as more of a question.

  As my aunt and friends started slowly filling the room, Mr.Herron smiled at them and turned back to me.

  "Well then, Ms.Y/N. The quick temperature change can cause nosebleeds and any type of stress you might have suddenly experienced could have caused the fainting. Two unrelated things that happened to have happened at the same time. You're just fine, but I recommend you relax a little and keep some tissues around for the rest of the day." He turned to my aunt. "If you'd please come with me, we can have her signed out,"

They both nodded and left before the boys crowded around my bed.

"We were worried as fuck,"

"Are you okay, Y/N?"

"Do you need anything?"

"If you stand up in that gown, will we see your butt?"

All the boys turned around and slapped Jack on the arms while I realized I was changed and pulled the hospital blanket over me more.

"I'm doing okay. I don't remember what happened,"

Jaeden moved to my side and looked at me seriously. "Two people saw you before us and ran. One even wiped up some blood. We didn't see who but we need to find out. You have to try to remember so we can see if it really was nothing,"

I nodded and tried to think about it only to be met with a great pain in my head. I groaned and held my head while all the boys looked shocked and concerned.

  "Maybe this should wait," Jeremy started, "She just needs to go home and sleep while we figure this out another time," With that all the boys agreed.

"Okay, Y/N, you're checked out. Boys, thanks for coming, your parents are outside waiting," My aunt said. The boys waved goodbye and left while I was handed my clothes.


When I got home I went straight to my room and plopped myself on my soft comforter. My once normal day had turned into hours of confusion and I just wanted to sleep. My shower could wait until the morning.

As I slipped off my shoes, I noticed that there was a ripped paper I didn't recognize near where one had fallen. I picked it up out of curiosity and saw the words 'I'm so sorry' written in perfect cursive.

Neither of my aunt and I wrote with this nice of handwriting so someone had to have been in my bedroom.

Suddenly, I felt very aware of my surroundings. I looked around to see that some of my pictures were slightly out of place and there was a slight foot mark where a shoe had pressed down on the carpet. A big foot.

Even with the knowledge that someone had been in my room, I didn't feel unsafe. I knew they had left and not harmed anything so why would they harm me? And why would they say they were sorry if they planned to do something?

But why were they sorry?

Boom, an update. I am NOT discontinuing this. I'll finish it for sure. I'm just adjusting to summer and the last month of school was a packed schedule with so many final grades, field trips, and graduation.
But I am apologizing with a double update.
Thanks for still reading and getting me this far. While writing this I'm about to hit 10k! Can you believe my lame book got this far? I can't.

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