13. The next day

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You finally get the update I promised days ago.

For the rest of the day during school I was alone. I'll never get used to the feeling of being in a crowded room and still feeling like the only person there. Wyatt had gone home, Serena and I weren't on speaking terms, and the boys only sent me unhappy glances; looking too ashamed to talk to me.

I wished that I could stop feeling worried about Wyatt but I couldn't. I wanted to know if he was doing fine with his parents or if they were treating him bad. From what I'd heard, they weren't the happiest or nicest people to be around. All I could do was hope things were going well.

I fought back the urge to text him multiple times knowing that if I disrupted him while he was talking with his parents, it would only make things worse. I would only be a bother while he was busy.

Overall, my day consisted of me just plugging in my earbuds and playing Genesis to drown out the sound of loud students.


When I finally got home I decided it was a good time to message Wyatt. I was already opened on Instagram so I chose to send him a dm instead of conventional texting. Who really uses that, anyway? I typed out a simple message and left it there, telling myself I wouldn't stress over the time of his reply.

I felt the need to distract myself so I grabbed the second book in my favorite series and started reading. I couldn't concentrate on the book as I tried to make my own excuses for why he wasn't answering yet. He was probably still talking to his parents. Or they found out he was actually hurt and insisted he rests for the rest of the day. Maybe he just hadn't seen it because his phone died. He couldn't have just been ignoring me, could he?

The sound of a notification from Instagram took me out of my thoughts. I dropped my book and grabbed my phone faster than I thought possible. So, maybe I was a little too excited for his message. What was wrong with me?

I unlocked my phone only to see that it was Chosen sending a hello to the group chat. I mean, he's great, but I can't say I wasn't slightly disappointed. I typed a hi back and clicked the button to turn off my phone, Right before the screen went black I saw something I didn't expect. immediately after I rushed to unlock it again and check if it really happened. Sure enough, Wyatt had looked at the group messages and still not replied to mine.

I switched over to our personal messages and was still somehow surprised that he really left me on read. It was fine. I felt fine. I was fine. I didn't have any right to feel hurt, did I? He's just a friend.

I mean, I'd like to say it didn't hurt at all. Or that I didn't feel a little tug in my chest. I'd gotten so used to him talking to me lately that the idea that he wouldn't want to totally elude me.

I sighed as I put my phone down and got up from my bed, getting ready for my next moves. I put on my unicorn slippers and grabbed my robe before heading downstairs and getting the comfort food I see women get on tv all the time.

I took so much I had trouble holding it all but I was determined to take it in just one trip. After I got to my room I plopped it all on the bed and stared at the wall, prepared for a night of overthinking.


Wyatt's POV

I can't say I didn't want to answer. I mean, shit, I wish I could've. But what would I say?
I wanted to tell her that everything was fine and my dad is a little bitch that can't scare me from seeing her. I couldn't, though. Everything was not okay and my father terrified me.

I wasn't able to stop thinking about it. I felt bad, trust me I felt bad about it. All I really wanted to do was get a bunch of junk food and sulk. The problem with that was I didn't know what would happen if my father saw me. He scared me enough before that I wasn't willing to risk it.

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