17. Found

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Haha, I'm back binches.

Wyatt's POV

After around ten seconds of standing in shock, I snapped out of my small trance and ran over to Y/N. The blood was coming from some area at the top of her so I moved her face that was down to see she was having a nosebleed. Why was she having a nosebleed?

Jonah had obviously fled the scene, letting me know that this was his fault. It had to be. Everything was his fault, I thought to myself.

I took a tissue out of my bag that I'd had from a recent cold and attempted to wipe up some of the blood before wiping her face off. It was to no use since the blood just kept coming. Things began to sink in more and I realized that I needed to do something. Not just clean up the mess of an unconscious injured girl, but actually get her help.

Then something else hit me; if I was found with her everyone would know. My parents would be called and my father would do much worse. On top of that, after the things that I had done and the way I was portrayed to the Nerds, they would most likely think that did it. Blaming Jonah would be of no use. But I had to help her. I had to do it fast.

The Nerds would be coming to meet with her soon, so they should have been near. I had to make a choice.

When I finally knew what to do, I felt like a coward.

I looked around and yelled for help to be met with the sound of squeaking sneakers in the distance. Unlike Jonah's, they were coming towards the scene.

As soon as they got close enough for me to know they'd get her, I took a glance at the girl I cared about in bad condition before me. I looked for a few minutes before I reluctantly pulled myself up to run far away.

Nerds Third person POV

The group of boys were walking towards the hallways they always met Y/N at. While they were on their way, they saw birds in a flock outside and decided to stop and look.

"You know, my grandma used to tell me that when there was a group of crows together in the middle of the day, it meant something bad was happening somewhere," Jaeden said.

The boys all looked at him as if they were processing the interesting information before they were interrupted by the birds all making loud noises and flying away at once while Jack appeared outside screaming, "GO THE FUCK AWAY CROW NUGGETS."

Everyone laughed while walking down the hall once again and letting Jack catch up to them.

"Did you see them all scatter? Guess they couldn't handle all this man right here," Jack said while puffing out his chest.

Finn scoffed before saying "Or maybe they just saw a retard running towards them and got annoyed," causing all the other boys to laugh and Jack's face to turn red.

They continued walking down the hallway and pestering each other before they heard a door slam in the distance, scaring them all.

"What the fuck?" Nic asked while everyone else looked around.

Minutes later, there was a yell for help coming from where the boys met Y/N every day. At that they all ran towards the place and heard another door slam, this time being close enough to hear someone running away.

There they saw Y/N laying on the ground with her nose bleeding. They crowded around here while Gaten and Chosen ran to the office to get help.

"What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck," Caleb repeated to himself as he used his own tissues to wipe away some of the blood.

"G-guys...," he said "Someone else wiped up blood. There are marks...W-who would leave her here? That must have been the door slamming."

Finn leaned over her and thought for a moment. "There were two door slams. Two people were here, guys. Two people left her behind."

No one understood but soon there were adults that came and swept Y/N off to the hospital.

Nerds {Wyatt Oleff}Where stories live. Discover now