15. Afterwards

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Your POV *A month later*

"So do you guys want to skip lunch?" Caleb asked.

Everyone in the group shrugged and nodded. There was really no point in going when we could eat in the beta room.

No, I hadn't been put back in BETA. We just ate lunch there. The nerds understood that I didn't want to be around Wyatt or see him there. They didn't know what had really happened, but they were aware that he had really hurt me somehow. It was enough for them to become very overprotective of me.

As for Wyatt himself, I didn't see him often. The few times I did he looked like he did before. Only once did I catch him with sadness in his eyes, before he saw me and walked far away.

Serena and I hadn't talked much. A few words here and there, barely enough to establish we didn't hate each other. We just very much weren't the same as we used to be.

I can't say life was bad. It was fairly decent for me. The nerds were always around so I never got lonely. My grades were fine and my aunt went back to how things were, ignoring all the problems of the world. Life was about as even as it was when I hadn't yet walked into that classroom and left with Wyatt.

There was always the little thoughts of Wyatt when I passed places we had been together. I found myself against the wall outside where we almost kissed, staring up at where he should've been. He's never there though.

I wonder where my Star Wars shirt went and then I remember he has it.

Other than him stealing my train of thought every once in a while, I felt almost okay without him. Almost normal.


I was walking around the corner to where I usually met the guys. I was a bit early like always but it was fine. I looked up expecting no one to be there yet but I was met with the creepy smile of Jonah in my vision. Then I couldn't see anything at all.

Booooooom cliffhanger. This is a filler cliffhanger too, cause next Monday I'll be in Colorado on vacation instead of updating. Sorry, you have to wait my dudes. Also, who's an ARMY? I need kpop stan friends.

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