10. My Turn

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"Fine. Your turn."

He walked towards me and raised a fist. Before he got to where I was at he was knocked on the ground by Wyatt. I'd never seen him so angry.

He was on top of Jonah punching over and over again until Jonah knocked him off. When I saw him hit Wyatt I finally came to my senses and kicked him in the ribs. Jonah fell over, defeated for once.

"They're this way!" I heard Finn yell to someone. They must've gotten help. It didn't seem like we could fend off Jonah by ourselves. Honestly, if Wyatt hadn't gotten his sudden amount of anger or adrenaline, I'm not sure what would've happened.

Sure enough, Finn and Jack turned the corner with two adults following them. Teachers, I believe. I was too worried about Wyatt to focus on anything else. The shirt he was wearing had blood spots all over it and I had no idea who it belonged to.

"What happened here?" One of the adults, a tall man I didn't recognize, asked.

"That guy attacked us and they saved us. Check the cameras." Jack said.

Wyatt groaned from his spot on the floor. He'd taken a good punch to the stomach and jaw. I felt so bad.

The other teacher grimaced at the scene. "Will you help me get Mr.Oleff to the nurse, please?" She asked me. "Boys, please get this other young man."
We both helped Wyatt up and let him lean on us as we went to the office. Jonah, no doubt, hurt him pretty bad. Same the other way around, though.


When we got to the nurse I asked to stay with Wyatt. I said Jonah could hurt him again. It was an excuse, but it was true.

"Is he your boyfriend?" The lady asked. Surely, not trusting teenagers alone if so.

"No. We're just friends." It wasn't that much of a lie.

"Of course, then. That other boy was much too old to attack freshman."

I moved the rolling chair next to where Wyatt was laying. "It's a dumb question, I know, but are you okay? He seemed to have gotten you pretty good."

"It hurts, but it can't be that bad." He tried to sit up and winced at his actions.

"Just lay down, Wyatt. Just because you say it's not bad doesn't mean you aren't hurt. You need to rest."

"But what about you? Are you okay?"

I moved closer and ran my hands through his hair, playing with each individual curl. "He didn't even touch me. You made sure of that." I was starting to get an unusual warmth in my chest. I knew he was the cause of it.

•Wyatt's POV•

"Good. What type of asshole would hurt you? Hurt a girl?" My girl.

She smiled and continued to play with my hair. It worried me because curly hair is always tangled somewhere but she seemed to miss any tangles there were. I was appreciative for that.

"Jonah is definitely the biggest asshole I've ever met. It's so weird."

"How is it weird? He's just a douche bag."

She laughed in such a cute way. "It's weird because you're so not an asshole or douche. It's hard to think you're related at all."

I scoffed. "Then please don't. I hate it. I'm not like my family."

"That's not a bad thing, Wyatt. You're great." I blushed. Besides the pain in my chest from the fight, she gave me another feeling.


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