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A/N I AM so so very sorry I haven't made chapter 11 there was things going on that weren't to well so yea hope u <3 chapter

Adrien's POV: Everyone in my class was shocked.Alya was crying and Nino was giving her a hug.How could this happen I thought to myself was it my fault?Or something else....

Mrs.Bustier was calling the ambulance to come to Heart Lake and told everything what happened.

20 minutes later

Mrs.Bustier told the class to go to their tents and calm down she said "Class just calm down and stay in your tents and when it's over then I will tell you when to come out". Chloe was tearing a little and so was Nathaniel. I heard Mrs.Bustier  crying

At the hospital

Marinette's POV: I woke up and saw myself with something in my hands and everything.It was wired I had so many questions what was going on. The last thing I remember was drowning "Oh yeah that's why!" I said.Then I saw my whole class at the hospital waiting for me.

I saw Adrien he was there tearing and Alya was crying a lot and Nino was tearing like Adrien and everyone in my class was sad or crying including Chloe and Sabrina.

I didn't even know why was Chloe crying she would of been laughing or making a evil face at me or send pictures of me what happened.But instead she was crying. I think she was just playing that she was crying.

There is no way she would be crying about me!SHE HATES ME LIKE FOR YEARS! I can really tell she was faking.And if it was Adrien at the hospital she would be going crazy and crying.I was trying to get these things off on my body.Then the doctor came.

"Hmmm looks like your ok..Marinette....but just Incase take this medicine"
A/N I don't know what doctors do when you just drown or something so I put this if it's okay with you.

He gave me medicine and took me back to my class everyone was happy and crying of joy.Alya jumped on me and hugged me.She said "Gurl don't scare me again like that!" Adrien hugged me.I was bushing.I decided to hug him back.
Then we all went to camp and making sure that doesn't happen again.Chloe was angry at me.

She looked she was about to kill me.I heard her whisper this "I going to get you back cruel princess. And did an evil laugh at me.But I ignored her and was finally ready to tell my feelings....I walked up to him....and was blushing......I started to confess "Adrien I........I......".

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