Twenty One ;)

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(a/n: the wink is over dramatized lmao. you're not getting smut or anything (yet) in this chapter it's just because of the twenty one.)

tyler's pov

josh and i were sitting on the couch watching stranger things about two hours after we got to my parents house. josh's arm always around me and i was cuddled into his shoulder like before. it was really nice. for the first time, i felt happy and safe. i started to drift off to sleep. about an hour later, i woke up to find josh trying to get up.

"no." i whispered, still half asleep and grabbing onto josh's sweatpants.

"ty, let go." josh said followed by a small laugh.

"please don't go, joshy."

"ty, i just gotta pee. i'll be right back."

i made an unsatisfied noise followed by a curt "okay"

a minute later josh came back, he sat down next to me and i put my head on his lap. (a/n: not in a sexual way just in a cute way.) he started playing with my hair.

"your hair is soft." josh said.

"thank you." i laughed.

"ty?" asked josh.


"do you um, wanna, uh. um, nevermind, it's dumb."

"josh, just say it."

"do you wanna go on a date, with me, tonight?" he asked as he stopped playing with my hair.

i lifted my head up from his lap, "really?" i asked. he nodded. i smiled wide and said yes. "what are we gonna do?"

"it's a surprise, just go get ready." joshua replied with a smile.

"okay." i got up from the couch and walked to the room josh and i are sharing. i grabbed a towel from my closet and got into the shower.




word count : 310 words.

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